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Discover Your True Destiny With Divine Living

Are you truly happy? It’s quite normal and perfectly understandable if you are not. These days many people feel their lives leave much to be desired. Discontent truly is the ‘disease of our time’, and it feels as if our world is increasingly spinning out of control. Too many of us are wandering aimlessly through our lives.

But if you knew your potential to live a life of joy, purpose and contentment, you would never again spend another moment living any other way. Within you looms the potential for authentic happiness so infinitely beyond everyday measure, or common human understanding, that you will never again be willing to settle for anything less.

This is in essence what my new book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny is about. It is a practical spirituality handbook for realigning with your Divine Self, and for reclaiming your birthright to enjoy a truly Divine Life.

Many people have in recent years experienced a profound spiritual awakening, but not everyone has been able to integrate their newfound spiritual awareness into the practical reality of their everyday life. I wrote Divine Living for this very reason. It is my hope that it will empower and inspire people to finally start living the connected and blissfully abundant life they always intended to have, since long before they were born.

Divine Living is the preferred lifestyle choice for many spiritually awakened souls all over the world. It is the new way of being that changes your life and perception of reality forever. As a species we are currently experiencing the inevitable dawning of a new era in human ascension. The new age of conscious evolution has begun. My goal with Divine Living is to provide the sincere spiritual seeker with a personal survival guide to successfully navigate this looming, global paradigm shift that is currently gaining critical mass all over the planet.

Does your life need a ‘make-over’? Win a free copy of Divine Living! Psychic Bloggers will be giving away copies of Anthon’s new book to two lucky readers. To enter the contest all you need to do is read this blog and then listen to tonight’s show on Psychic Access Talk Radio for details on how to enter the contest.

Divine Living is a personal ‘survival guide’ to help you successfully navigate this dawning of a new age in human consciousness. There are many practical guidelines, metaphysical tools and spiritual self-care exercises in this book that will help you to move one step ahead in this global wave of change and stay on top of the inevitable transformation of our species, and our world.

I will be celebrating the official release of Divine Living with a special guest appearance this evening on The Psychic Viewpoint on Psychic Access Talk Radio. Join me tonight, Thursday, August 2nd 2012 at 8pm Eastern time on  My friend and fellow Psychic Access team member Maureen Holleran will host the show and the executive producer is Doug Christman.

During tonight’s show Maureen and I aim to provide you with some practical tools and spiritual guidelines to transform your life. We will discuss why we become disconnected from spiritual awareness in our childhood and why so many people only awaken from this ‘reality coma’ when it is too late. We will also explore the concept of the Higher Self, or the Divine Self, and investigate the growing myth of the “Evil Ego” in the spiritual community.

On tonight’s show I will also reveal why ‘positive thinking’ and the Law of Attraction often does not work and what our so-called ‘inner guidance system’ truly is and how it really functions. We will also explore the concepts of Destiny versus Free Will, and Soul Purpose versus Life Purpose, and why we are not supposed to know all the secrets of the Universe, and probably never will.

I look forward to sharing this special milestone in my career with you. Psychic Bloggers will also be giving away free copies of Divine Living to two lucky listeners! Remember to tune in tonight, it is going to be “out of this world”! And if you are unable to listen to the live broadcast, you can simply do it later by downloading or listening online to the recorded podcast at the free PATR Show Archives.

Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny is available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle format at For more information about the book visit the official website at

About The Author: Anthon St Maarten

Anthon St Maarten is an international psychic medium, intuitive consultant and destiny coach. He has been consulting professionally as psychic medium since 2004 and has since established himself as a trusted advisor to many people all over the world. He is also a sought-after inspirational speaker, metaphysics teacher, radio personality, spiritual author and blogger, with a special interest in New Thought spirituality, metaphysics, parapsychology, mediumship and psychic phenomena. He is best known for his bestselling practical spirituality book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny You can get a psychic reading from Anthon at

6 Responses to Discover Your True Destiny With Divine Living

  • I’m anxiously awaiting my copy from Amazon!

  • This book is meant to be here and to be read right now … the information is priceless and the treasures that are unearthed are needed in this time. Well done Anthon! Thank you for sharing this with the world!

  • I LOVED the show with Anthon!! He is very good with explaining things in a way that gives clarity. I hope I win this book it sounds wonderful!

  • powerfull stuff! its cool u doin this. someone i know needs anthon’s book bad cuz they goin thru a dificult time. it will help her a lot. thank u!

  • The two winners of a free copy each of my book Divine Living: The Guide To Your True Destiny is:


    Congratulations! Your copies are on their way and you will receive further details by email.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest.

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