How To Deal With Toxic People
At times most of us have to deal with toxic people. It seems these days they are popping up everywhere in some way, shape or form. We do our best to understand them. And often we make excuses for why we continue to tolerate them. Year after year.
Fact is, some folks just aren’t going to change. No matter how much patience we give them. We may make up excuses for why we continue to share and hold space for them. But it is in vain.
Sometimes it takes a wake-up call from a doctor who tells us we suffer from stress-related illness, such as high blood pressure or anxiety, to make us realize that dis-ease does in fact cause disease.
I have done readings for several women who have told me they have serious health issues and they believe it is caused from the stress they have to endure from co-workers, or the people they have to live with, or those whom they are married to.
I have given lots of helpful advice to my clients in these matters, but I decided to step it up a notch and spend a month connecting with spirit and asking for a good list of items I can share in this blog that could maybe help you too.
A Sense of Purpose – A Message From My Guides
We are aware that sometimes life on the Earth plane seems overly difficult, or perhaps even futile at times. Depending on where you are in life, what you have achieved and how satisfied you are with the outcomes, these thoughts can be dreary indeed.
Take heart. There is no magic timeline within which you must accomplish great and wonderful things to impress others. You are at liberty to structure your life in a myriad of ways, in the time frame that suits you best.
Take the opportunity to reframe your criteria for success. There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to realizing your ultimate purpose in life. Each person is unique. No two paths are the same. Your journeys, therefore, will not be identical.
A Sense Of Curiosity – A Message From My Guides
It is customary these days to get information instantly by using various methods of modern technology. Knowledge of all kinds is at your fingertips whenever you need it. Although some research is mandated for school or work projects, while other inquiries are conducted to satisfy a general need to know, we challenge you to look at your world from a different viewpoint and conduct a different kind of search.
Allow time to stand still every now and then. Extend your curiosity internally. Take some time to reflect on your past decisions, current situations and potential future.
The past can be a delightful place to visit in order to reminisce about wonderful experiences, evaluate decisions or learn from events, however, we do not suggest that you ‘live’ there permanently. When you consider some of the questionable choices you might have made, be kind to yourself as you ponder what was decided and why. Remember that your younger self will not have had the benefit of the great experience, wisdom and insight from which you can learn now.
Healing Through Radical Self-Forgiveness
There’s no getting around the fact that we’re our own worst critics. There has been much written on the subject of forgiving others, but what about forgiving ourselves? This is the first and most crucial step to real, lasting, healthy self-love.
The roots of the pain many of us feel are guilt and shame – the knowledge that we have wronged or hurt someone else, and the lasting fallout resulting in self-harm. Guilt is sometimes a catalyst to change behavior, but shame often comes with long-term effects, such as negative thinking patterns, self-harming behavior such as addiction, depression or anxiety, and self-sabotage.
Over long periods shame is like a poison in our bloodstream which touches every aspect of our lives. But it doesn’t have to last! There is a healthy way to overcome the legacies of shame and guilt, and it all starts with compassion.
A Sense of Calm – A Message From My Guides
Sometimes the emotional charge of something as simple as a misunderstood comment, or a statement taken out of context, can throw even the most level-headed person into a tailspin. Developing a general demeanor of good humor can assist you in dealing with some of these most difficult, embarrassing or awkward situations encountered in life.
Everyone handles things differently, doing the best they can with the information they have at the time. Although, generally, the goal is to come to a better understanding and reach common ground, sometimes this takes much more time, effort and compromise than expected.
Although it is important to resolve an issue and clear the air, if possible, it is equally important to put each issue into context. Years from the date of the affront, will the issue be remembered at all and, if so, will it have anywhere near the importance that it did at the time? Certain issues will never be forgotten, however, they can often be forgiven for the sake of all parties involved.
For A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime?
I’m often asked in relationship psychic readings if a certain person is ‘The One.’ Is this the person whom my client is supposed to be with in this lifetime? This is such a common question and one that usually deserves a more elaborate answer for clarity.
People come in and out of our life for a myriad of reasons. Some of them are only there for a short period of time, while others remain for decades, or the rest of our life.
Have you ever felt like you keep meeting the same person over and over again, but in a different body? For example, a gentleman might call in for a reading about a woman who he’s been dating for a month. He wants to know why all of a sudden she has pulled away or is paying less attention to him, and then he goes on to say that he continues to meet this same kind of woman. They all seem very interested in him for a short time, and then all of a sudden they just disappear. Why does this keep happening to him? This is where the inquiry tends to come up of, “Will I ever meet the right woman?”
Releasing Toxic People In Your Life
Every person has at some point in their life had a person in their life whom they believed had their best interests at heart. Yet, that person blind-sided them by doing or saying something to knock them off kilter. This happens to the best of us.
Often we continue to believe that this person will change, that they are our true friend. But they might just be using us, and we allow it. They might take from us, and we allow it. They might advance themselves because of something we did, and then when the roles or positions are reversed, they will let greed and ego take over and knock us to our knees.
This kind of thing happens in life and in relationships all the time. I do not feel any of us is totally exempt from this – whether we were the one being used, or the one using someone else.