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How Many Other Things Are We Missing?

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There are many things that may be considered as lacking in the world today, and there are many lightworkers, dreamers and activists who make every effort to remind us of these missing elements. But one aspect that is too seldom addressed is our lack of true appreciation and gratitude.

Spiritual seekers tend to be very keen to beat the drum of abundance  – which is too often merely a thinly disguised obsession with material wealth and earthly comforts.

We simply take too much for granted every day; blessings of Joy, Beauty and Divine Grace are seldom acknowledged in our lives. How spiritually aware can we truly be if we hardly ever stop to smell the roses?

Have you heard the story of the internationally acclaimed violinist who disguised himself as a street busker with a baseball cap, and then proceeded to play Bach undercover at a metro subway station? An email outlining this intriguing story has been circulating since December 2008. There have been claims that it may be a hoax, or an urban myth, but it is indeed a true story. The event was captured on video with a hidden camera. Continue reading

Searching For Beauty Under A Knife

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI am often amazed by the amounts of money people spend on their appearance. Many people want so desperately to be beautiful. Some even go as far as cosmetic surgery, in order to be what they would deem attractive. I’m sorry, but nobody will ever be able to convince me to have surgery unless my life truly depended on it.

If only more people would realize that true beauty does not depend solely in your appearance. From what I have seen some of these so-called ‘beautiful’ people certainly are not very kind to the elderly or to children, neither are they gentle with animals. I’m not saying that taking care of yourself is a bad thing. But what is truly taking care of ourselves? In my life it means taking vitamins, getting adequate rest, meditating or praying, eating healthy and doing some exercise. Continue reading

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