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Forgiveness Brings Lightness To The Heart

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comForgiveness can be one of the most difficult challenges we face in life, especially for those of us who have been horribly wronged. But the angels say that we cannot move forward with anger or hatred in our heart. Only when we can truly forgive and let go of our past, will we reap the rewards of the future. Blessings come once we let go of the things that are holding us back.

When you struggle with forgiveness, it helps to remind yourself that God, the Divine, Source, Spirit, the Universe, always forgives us, no matter what we do. And our angels never leave our side. They do shake their heads at times, but they are right there through each life choice and every step we take, no matter what.

When we are in a place of unforgiveness, we must choose to look at life in a different way. What good is it to hold onto anger and resentment towards someone who has wronged you? It is usually not affecting them in any way, and it is also not serving you. All it really does is hold you back from moving forward and living your best life.

Your past, both the good and bad, provided you with life lessons, and if you truly consider what you have been through, and the growth and wisdom gained from those experiences, you will appreciate the lessons learned, and never repeat them. Life lessons empower us to move forward in a healthy way and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

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Listen To Your Guides And Angels

Click Here NOW For A FREE Psychic Reading NOW at PsychicAccess.comWhen life frustrates you, when people anger you, or the world puts you in a state of fear, stress or worry, take a few minutes to sit quiet and ask your guides and angels to take the weight off your shoulders. Ask them to bring you calm and to just simply let you know that it will be okay.

Your angels and guides are with you each and every day. They speak to you in the pit of your stomach, your gut feelings, your ‘intuition spot.’ Feel their presence around you and inside of you. Feel them tell you that they are surrounding you with white light and love.

Your spirit guides and angels aim to help, never to hinder. They are there to love you and keep your soul filled with loving energy. Feel them tell you that they are filling you with their overwhelming love and peace. And then simply allow them to relieve the negativity that is keeping you stuck.

I’m sure they shake their heads once in a while, and go ‘what the heck!’ But they do not judge you. Your guides and angels never chastise you. Only you tend to judge yourself, so allow that part of you to go as well. You are only to love yourself unconditionally, just as your guides and angels do. You are perfectly perfect as you are. This is a phrase I use often when talking to my clients. Your angels see you as perfect, so why can’t you?

You are always in a state of transition and growth. It is what makes us human and different from other species. A bird simply knows how to build a nest, lay eggs, hatch them. And when their offspring eventually leave the nest, they instinctively go and repeat the process all over again. They do not worry for anything. If they are hungry, they grab a worm out of the ground or a seed from a plant. If it is raining, they simply hunker down in a bush or tree. It is an inborn response.

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