Discover Your True Destiny With Divine Living
Are you truly happy? It’s quite normal and perfectly understandable if you are not. These days many people feel their lives leave much to be desired. Discontent truly is the ‘disease of our time’, and it feels as if our world is increasingly spinning out of control. Too many of us are wandering aimlessly through our lives.
But if you knew your potential to live a life of joy, purpose and contentment, you would never again spend another moment living any other way. Within you looms the potential for authentic happiness so infinitely beyond everyday measure, or common human understanding, that you will never again be willing to settle for anything less.
This is in essence what my new book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny is about. It is a practical spirituality handbook for realigning with your Divine Self, and for reclaiming your birthright to enjoy a truly Divine Life.
Many people have in recent years experienced a profound spiritual awakening, but not everyone has been able to integrate their newfound spiritual awareness into the practical reality of their everyday life. I wrote Divine Living for this very reason. It is my hope that it will empower and inspire people to finally start living the connected and blissfully abundant life they always intended to have, since long before they were born.
Divine Living is the preferred lifestyle choice for many spiritually awakened souls all over the world. It is the new way of being that changes your life and perception of reality forever. As a species we are currently experiencing the inevitable dawning of a new era in human ascension. The new age of conscious evolution has begun. My goal with Divine Living is to provide the sincere spiritual seeker with a personal survival guide to successfully navigate this looming, global paradigm shift that is currently gaining critical mass all over the planet. Continue reading
Can A Psychic Read During Illness?
The actual and more correct question ought to be – should a psychic read while suffering from an illness? A psychic can read anytime, anywhere – or at least this has been my personal experience. But do you want to do it? Is it fair to you and your health as a reader? And can you truly give your client your best, which is what any reader worth their salt wants to do at all times?
I have chronic bronchitis which rears its ugly head approximately twice a year. I keep antibiotics on hand, and plenty of fluids. But I lose my voice, and I must be very careful with it lest it turns into pneumonia, which used to happen quite frequently until I learned what times of year and weather patterns triggered my sickness.
So, while I am able for the most part to keep it under control, I still end up feeling rather the worse for wear for at least two to three weeks. I try, for my own sake, not to work at this time, because I take my clients’ issues to heart on a good day, when I am filled with energy. To try and take on these same issues, while I am hacking and coughing, just doesn’t resonate well with me. Continue reading
Saturn’s Call To Action
Saturn – a planet of structure, rules, responsibilities and change – has gone retrograde until June 2012. For people that don’t like rules and responsibility, it is not a good time. Come June, should they not have taken care of proverbial business, they will be even more unhappy. But if they take this time to do what needs to be done, to put their back into it, they can see truly amazing results.
The planet Saturn was named after Cronos, a Greco-Roman God, the father of Zeus and the Ruler of Time itself.
There is also an astrological aspect known as Saturn return. It usually hits your chart anywhere from age 28 to 32 years of age. The more you fight the aspects of it, the worse it will be for you. At this stage of your life you will be called upon to decide who and what you want to be for the next 20 or so years, and you will clean house in the process. Continue reading
Everything Changes, Or Does It?
Nature always inspires me to think deep thoughts. I often find myself really pondering things that maybe I wouldn’t have, had I not taken a moment to stop and look out my window.
I was thinking about the changing of the seasons today. Change is all around us constantly.
Consider what we hear daily. We say things like “nothing stays the same” and “it’s a change for the better”, or “change is inevitable”. There is also the popular phrase “don’t be afraid of change”. With so many things changing around us, isn’t it a wonder that we have a never-changing God? He also gave us his unchanging Word in the Scriptures, for us to learn more about Him. Continue reading
Just Imagine The Possibilities
John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people living life in peace”. Now imagine the possibilities if each person learned to express that same peace within themselves. Sooner or later, all people would enjoy true peace. It would spread like wildfire!
Possibilities are something that each being hopes for. Each human, each animal and each tree that is growing. All of living creatures and entities somehow imagine possibilities. But, do they imagine the worst or the best outcome?
Animals expect love. They also crave affection and hope, but always to be loved. Trees hope to grow high, up into the sky, spreading their branches wherever they can, much to the chagrin of some homeowners! But when it comes to humans, it seems we have a different inclination. Do we imagine the best outcome, the best possibility? Or do we tend to envision the worst of the ‘what if’ scenario? Continue reading