Goodbye My Mentor, Farewell My Friend
My mentor of many years passed away a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t seen him in a few years and time does tend to move on. Sadly, cancer had taken its ugly toll. He was practically a household name on the West Coast of the USA, and had owned, for many years, indeed until the day he died, a leading chain of psychic stores.
Because it had been a while since I had seen him, the last thing in the world I would ever have expected actually happened. He passed away on a Monday. From the Thursday beforehand I had known something was up. I didn’t know what is was, I only knew to call my former manager and ask, “What in the world is wrong, I can feel it from here!” We were always very close, she and I. But she is a private soul and so she didn’t divulge any information about my mentor, although she was not surprised to hear from me.
A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you ~ Bob Proctor
That Sunday night I was literally ‘thrown’ from my bed into the wall. Now, I am a ‘monster sleeper’ and so I put it down to my usual ‘rotisserie chicken’ antics, as I like to call them. I take tossing and turning to a whole new level believe me. So, I didn’t think anything more of it, until the next night. I got thrown out of bed again and ended up chasing a man who had “put my money in his pocket”.
At this point I became a bit concerned. I am on the side of the bed that faces the wall, and being tossed from the bed face first into the wall wasn’t my idea of fun. I got up in confusion and went to check my morning email messages. Lo and behold, my former manager had sent me a message: “Our beloved boss, mentor and friend had passed away at the age of 84.”
I cried and cried, indeed I cried for many days. He was my first employer as a psychic reader, he had given me my first opportunity to work as a professional psychic. For over eight years I worked on and off with his stubborn and opinionated Triple Scorpio personality (Sun, Moon and Rising sign all in Scorpio) next to my Triple Taurus (Sun, Moon and Rising in Taurus).
What nobler employment, or more valuable to the state than that of the man who instructs the rising generation ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
A part of me died that day too. No longer am I the young, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed psychic novice, ready to conquer the world. I am now 25 years into working professionally as a reader and tired as many days as I am not. Honestly, I wasn’t sure where to put any of this.
The night before his memorial service, he came to me one last time and asked me to go with him. I told him I could not do that. He has since moved on. My mentor, my friend.
I realized after a few days that he had been trying to get my attention to say to me, “Get moving! You wanted to be a reader all your life. Just because you get tired from time to time is no reason to give up. I never gave up on you. I saw something in you many years ago and that’s why I came back, to let you know…never forget who you are.”
My mentor, my friend. Godspeed. Until we meet again.
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