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Can A Psychic Read During Illness?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe actual and more correct question ought to be – should a psychic read while suffering from an illness? A psychic can read anytime, anywhere – or at least this has been my personal experience. But do you want to do it? Is it fair to you and your health as a reader? And can you truly give your client your best, which is what any reader worth their salt wants to do at all times?

I have chronic bronchitis which rears its ugly head approximately twice a year. I keep antibiotics on hand, and plenty of fluids. But I lose my voice, and I must be very careful with it lest it turns into pneumonia, which used to happen quite frequently until I learned what times of year and weather patterns triggered my sickness.

So, while I am able for the most part to keep it under control, I still end up feeling rather the worse for wear for at least two to three weeks. I try, for my own sake, not to work at this time, because I take my clients’ issues to heart on a good day, when I am filled with energy. To try and take on these same issues, while I am hacking and coughing, just doesn’t resonate well with me.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.  When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open ~ B.K.S. Iyengar

And for you, dear client, do you want to listen to me hack and cough, while I am supposed to be giving you the best service I can and help to guide you? While I do not get readings that often for myself, maybe three or four in a year’s time, I can safely say that I would not want to get a reading with an unwell psychic. I would want my reader to be at his or her best and if I had a favorite reader that I enjoyed speaking with, for sure I would want them to feel their best, while helping me through crisis or just to listen. I’d like to rest assured knowing that their attention would fully be on me and not on when their next breathing treatment should be.

So with this I say in closing, as we are headed into the Spring allergy season in the North and the flu and cold season in the South, your favorite reader may be not feeling so good right now. But they still want to give you the support and empathy that you have come to expect from them. Try to be patient and know that they are as fully committed to getting back to being 100% as you want them to be, because without you, dear client, there is no us.  We are very grateful that you stick with us, through sick or through sin.

About The Author: Psychic Access Team

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2 Responses to Can A Psychic Read During Illness?

  • I love your down to earth blog Asherah. It makes great sense and i truly wish the next allergy season passes you by!

  • You and me both, Shani! I missed more than anything not being able to give my usual to my clients. Thank you so much.

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