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Care Of The Soul

Get a FREE Psychic Reading Now At PsychicAccess.comOne radical difference between care of the soul and a great deal of modern psychological work is that the former offers a profound appreciation for the personalities who are important in our lives, even if they are flawed people and even if the relationship is not perfect. Psychology prefers to analyze with the goal of increased understanding, yet understanding does little for the soul.

Imagine telling stories of those that have crossed over, not for insight into ourselves, but simply to establish a deep, continuing relationship with them. The soul is given eternity in that exchange, while understanding offers it little more than another fragment of logic. It has nothing to do with establishing a home for the infinite within our finite lives. Continue reading

The Power Of Words Revisited

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI posted an article a couple of weeks ago titled We Should Choose Our Words More Carefully, about ‘words’ and how powerful they can be. I showed how words are vibration and vibration can not only build but, also destroy.

So, for your amusement and mine, I have compiled a long list of words. To show the hidden meanings in the words we use.

I believe that our names, words and phrases contain hidden clues about each one of us and the things or places around us.

I am going to use anagrams and lexigrams. Lexigrams are words formed by using some of the letters in a word or phrase. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of the word, using all of the letters. For example: Continue reading

Addiction And The Calling

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf my spiritual calling was masked by addiction once upon time, how many other people could also be masking their calling with such escapism?

As a recovering alcoholic, addictive behavior is something I know all too well – together with the co-dependency behavior that inevitably surrounds the addict. I actually credit my experience with alcohol, and the realization that there is no escape that way, as leading up to me heeding my calling. My life purpose was to work for spirit, and any time not being in touch with that calling left a huge void, or ‘hole in my soul’ type of feeling within me.

My initial training into the mystical was in the African tradition, whereby one is selected by the ancestors and called to the task of healer, priest, counselor and diviner. Channeling and the ancient art of throwing and interpreting the bones are used as forms of divination in this tradition. Continue reading

How Many Other Things Are We Missing?

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There are many things that may be considered as lacking in the world today, and there are many lightworkers, dreamers and activists who make every effort to remind us of these missing elements. But one aspect that is too seldom addressed is our lack of true appreciation and gratitude.

Spiritual seekers tend to be very keen to beat the drum of abundance  – which is too often merely a thinly disguised obsession with material wealth and earthly comforts.

We simply take too much for granted every day; blessings of Joy, Beauty and Divine Grace are seldom acknowledged in our lives. How spiritually aware can we truly be if we hardly ever stop to smell the roses?

Have you heard the story of the internationally acclaimed violinist who disguised himself as a street busker with a baseball cap, and then proceeded to play Bach undercover at a metro subway station? An email outlining this intriguing story has been circulating since December 2008. There have been claims that it may be a hoax, or an urban myth, but it is indeed a true story. The event was captured on video with a hidden camera. Continue reading

If Only We Had Some Patience In A Bottle

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat is one of the most valuable commodities that anyone can possess in this day and age? What is the one precious thing we all seem to lack?

I believe that, given the opportunity, some of us would even trade all of our earthly possessions for a lifelong supply of this magical substance. It is the one thing that can secure us so much happiness, inner peace and long-term fulfillment.

Have you guessed what this ‘eighth wonder of the world’ is? Well, it is the virtue of patience, of course!

The Dutch say that “a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains”. There is no doubt in my mind that should some genius be able to develop a magical formula to capture patience in a bottle, that person would overnight become the wealthiest and most famous person on the planet! Continue reading

Psychic Gift Could Be Hereditary

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered if psychics are born, or do they become psychic? How do some psychics receive their gifts? To be honest, I have often wondered how I got the gift of being a psychic.

It is my belief that having a psychic gift can be hereditary. I know this, because I am one of  several third-generation psychics in my family.

My father’s side of the family is of German-Swedish origin and my mother side is Native American, specifically from the Blackfoot tribe. When I did research on both sides of my family, I discovered that there were cousins and distants relatives on my mother’s side who are also psychic. My mother was also psychic and she brought me up to be proud of my heritage. My mother still visits me in spirit. Continue reading

Dust In The Wind?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI watched the movie 2012 for the first time… would you guess it… the very day before the first earthquake hit in Japan! I couldn’t believe my eyes, watching on CNN the earth breaking in half just like in the movie. Houses were being washed away and lives taken within a blink of an eye.

For some of us this news came as a shock, but not as a surprise. Many spiritually aware people all over the world had been on edge lately. Just like the animals, we feel it, we have an innate sense that things are a bit ‘off’.

After the news broke, I was feeling the need to do something to help out. I make scarves for children and I figured for every one that I make and sell I could donate half of the profits and send it to a proper cause, that I know will go directly to help in some small way. Every bit does help. Continue reading

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