Change your Habits, Change Your Life!
As 2022 comes to an end and the New Year is upon is, many of us are considering how we can improve our lives and become a better version of ourselves.
Today we might be sitting with our shiny new diary or journal, or a beautiful 2022 calendar full of inspiring affirmations, in the hope it will inspire us to lead healthier, happier, more fulfilling and successful life. But the single biggest thing that we can do to change our lives for the better and really smash our goals is to change our habits.
What we habitually do is who we will ultimately become. Our daily physical habits are our metaphysical destiny. In fact, research would suggest that approximately 95% of the things people do daily are purely habitual.
From the spiritual perspective, I always look to archetype of The Archer in the Wildwood Tarot deck as the positive symbology to help me break bad habits and create new, better ones. The Archer is a genuinely motivating card that symbolizes strength, direction, aim and focus. When it comes to habits, it reminds us to focus on the positive ones and that by doing so, we will achieve our goals by hitting our target. Gaze upon his symbology, and it should help give you the strength to do so.
For example, I am a chocoholic, the results of which is clearly evident around my middle-aged waistline! How do I personally break the habit of a lifetime and develop a healthier relationship with chocolate? Well, the guidelines are the same for any other goal we may have:
Remove The Temptation
As the saying goes: ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ My household will therefore be seeing far less sugar in the kitchen cupboards in 2022. This may seem somewhat an extreme measure, but it may help to change my family’s nutritional habits for the better. It is not so easy to maintain a sweet tooth when there is nothing to reaching out for to serve as a reward or an emotional crutch.
Remember To Reach Out This Holiday Season
The holidays have been different these past two years. We are normally accustomed to planning big get-togethers, buying many gifts, preparing lots of food and finally gathering with family and friends. In the past, these gatherings were a given, whenever feasible, and both small and large get-togethers were marked with fun, laughter, music, food and festivities.
But a global pandemic has been curtailing our carefully laid plans and we had to be to be innovative to stay connected with our loved ones. Some people live in areas with very little impact. Others are in hot spots. Regardless of your own current situation, it is important to include people safely, to whatever level you can under the circumstances.
Please remember to touch a few lonely hearts this time of year, even if it is just by way of a quick phone call or text message. If there are people you know who live alone or are unable to join their usual groups to celebrate, do whatever you can to reach out to them and make them feel included in the celebrations. Connect virtually, send a parcel or invite them to a future event to look forward to.
Extend your reach to those less fortunate as well. This time of year can be particularly difficult for those in need. Contribute to a charity, or reach out to a volunteer group and offer your services. A willing pair of helping hands is always appreciated.
Amid all the chaos and excitement of the season, also take some time to be good to yourself. We tend to run ourselves ragged, while it just isn’t possible to keep going at maximum speed without a well-deserved break. It is important to remember that we cannot give what we ourselves do not have. Your career or business will always be there. Recharge your batteries so you will be rested, confident, and energized to help others.
Will A Time Machine Change Our Perspectives Forever?
A well-known television news show recently featured an astrophysicist talking about a project she was working on to turn back time and venture into the past. I was fascinated, but somewhat skeptical as to the potential success of such a mission.
She went on to explain that although we are currently experiencing the present moment, we are continuing to also look back into the past, while being in the present.
How does this work in our everyday reality? Imagine looking up at the sun. It takes as much as eight minutes for the sunlight to reach us, which means we are actually looking into the past.
The same applies when we are gazing up at the stars at night. Depending on a star’s location it can take starlight anything from four years to as much as fifteen billion years to reach Earth! So, once again we are in fact looking into the past.
I must admit it took me some time to wrap my head around this. However, once the concept made sense, I was able to grasp onto the meaning of all this.
She has been working diligently as part of a team for a number of years on a ‘time travel machine,’ for lack of a better term, that might have the capability of traveling so far back into the past, their hope is it could reach the exact time when the planet came into being! The time machine is set to stay in space for at least five years and hopefully reach a ten year time span.
Not only would its success afford humanity the privilege to see as far back as the beginning of time, but the machine also has the capability to go to other planets and determine whether there is for example, water, air, and any life forms existing on those planets.
Astrology Forecast December 27, 2021- January 2, 2022
As 2021 comes to a close, we can be grateful for completing an especially challenging year, and all the lessons and gifts that came with the struggles. Courtesy of today and tomorrow’s Libra Moon, it will be somewhat easier to review the past 12 months from a positive perspective. It will also inspire us to anticipate a much brighter future!
This morning the Libra Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius and trine Saturn in Aquarius will further serve to kick-start this final week of 2021 with an increased sense of responsibility, resourcefulness, practical action and some organizational flair, ensuring we end our year on a high note.
Jupiter will move into Pisces tomorrow, ending the year on a promising, more spiritual note. In the sign of Pisces, this planet is all about generating karmic blessings and restoring our life to a better state than it was when this year started. We can certainly count on Jupiter to bring things back into balance and raise the bar in 2022.
Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon makes these days ideal for mapping out a plan of action for next year or making a New Year’s resolution list. Striving for a better way of living by setting out your intentions is always a wonderful way to start a new year!
Early on Saturday the Capricorn Sun trine Uranus in Taurus will boost our sense of initiative, innovation, ambition and self-confidence to set an inspired tone on the first day of 2022 for the year that lies ahead. The Capricorn Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will further rouse our spirit with a positive, optimistic outlook on life. Here’s to a fabulous 2022 and having life restored to even better form than it was prior to the current pandemic. Happy New Year!
The Gift Of Kindness
I was thinking today of the many beautiful acts of kindness people have shown me since my husband passed away last year. And then, some song lyrics from the movie, The Sound of Music, came to mind:
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.
Yes, perhaps I did some good somewhere in my life, and now I am getting some of it back, tenfold, or more!
There was a period of time, after his sudden death, when it felt as if I was carried by the locals here in Spain. I was pretty much told what to do and not just offered help. For example, when I got the news of his passing from the policeman who answered his phone at the car crash scene, I immediately went on ‘autopilot’ and attempted to cancel a coffee date I had with one of my best friends. But she simply said, “I am coming, you aren’t going alone to the scene. I am going with you!” And then she saw to everything. I was unable to speak in any language at that point, and fortunately she took over.
Christmas and New Year followed, and again my friend told me, in no uncertain terms: you are going to be with me and my family during this period. I began finding reasons and excuses as to why I might not be able to get to their home, including a possibility of snow, which had us housebound for a few days a couple of years prior. But, they were having none of that. My friend’s husband said, “My tractor will reach you whatever the weather!”
Post-death paperwork is messy in a foreign country. Red tape and bureaucracy can be a nightmare in Spain, if there is no last will and testament! Once again, I was given months of unconditional help by friends and neighbors, as we went from one government department to another to sort out complications. Even the lawyers assisting with the car insurance policy, which went above and beyond their pro bono role in the arrangements. They would accept no further payment, but were delighted when I gifted them each some Doreen Virtue angel cards in Spanish.
Dealing With Negative Energy This Holiday Season
What do you do when you have to go to a family holiday gathering you have dreaded all year? What is supposed to be a positive, happy reunion this time of the year is often a negative, argumentative and energetically draining occasion!
I know from experience that diverse personalities show up to these types of gatherings and over the years I have learned to keep quiet, and smile, and muster through it. I have helped several of my clients lately find solutions to deal with these challenging situation.
There was the uncle that swears around the children who my client is trying to raise in a loving, Christian environment. I have also helped a client find out why her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law constantly gossip about her behind her back. I have helped bring light to a client’s ongoing problems with her siblings’ argumentative nature.
I want you to know that the choice is yours if you choose to deal with these people. Remember you always have free will, even in the most dire circumstances. You don’t have to be around family members who steal your energy and drop their poison of negative energy and comments on you.
It’s unhealthy to put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable, especially when the environment is saturated with dis-ease. Sometimes you have to exercise your right to say: “No thank you, I will pass!” If you do this, you will find you have more energy for those that do treat you well and don’t talk about you behind your back.
Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty that your not going to attend. Make positive changes this holiday season by saying no to unnecessary stress, negative people and toxic energy. Embrace your own assertiveness for the betterment of your health and mental well-being.
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