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Navigating Energy Challenges – Manual Versus Automatic

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI had always been fascinated with driving a stick shift car, as my dad drove several such vehicles in my childhood years. On our third date, my ex-husband took me to an empty parking lot and showed me the ropes on how to drive a stick shift. However, despite his valiant attempt to teach me, I failed miserably.

I reflected on this experience recently, synthesizing an analogy to what I had experienced twenty-five years ago, and found an interesting correlation with my chakra recovery journey.

Also known as Kundalini awakening, the chakra recovery process has not been an easy one for me.  I literally felt like I was going to die on many occasions. Six years into this journey, I still incorporate daily energy self-care in the form of meditation, visualization, Epsom salt baths, aromatherapy, and other spiritual practices.

But I have noticed progress! My mind is so much clearer these days, and my sleep more efficient. Most of all, I radiate more kindness, truth, and an open mind of late. And I do believe the best is yet to come!

This reminded me of the ease with which one usually drives an automatic transmission vehicle. To me this is analogous to the ultimate goal of spiritual self-care: to be able to harness the energy of a fully-tuned, balanced chakra system and apply it to everyday life.  A person naturally flowing with energy is able to handle more challenging situations with greater ease. Once the crown chakra starts to open, this is when innovative, eternal wisdom flows through.  Then we can begin to grasp the rhythm and precision necessary to operate our energy more fluidly and automatically, instead of like a ‘stick shift.’

Opening your chakras and allowing cosmic energies to flow through your body will ultimately refresh your spirit and empower your life ~ Barbara Marciniak

Once our auric energy field opens more efficiently to Universal forces, we draw in new friends and opportunities for connection.  We find that we need fewer words to convey our message and less effort to follow our inner guidance. Communicating telepathically through the crown chakra becomes more efficient and less dependent on ego. We start to lessen the need to control situations and we begin to fully trust the people, events, and circumstances we attract. Our friends and associates vibrate at a similar frequency. We continue to inspire those a step or two behind us, so that we may teach them what we have learned.

When my mom passed in 2019, I inherited her 20-year-old vehicle. It lasted another two and a half years.  I went from knowing absolutely nothing about cars and being fearful of the ‘check engine’ light, to seeing a friend install a new battery into my mom’s car a couple months after she passed. My son initially flinched at jumpstarting the car, but his dad soon talked him through it.

It was through these simple, everyday learning experiences that I began to tune into my own ‘vehicle intuition.’  My mom’s car had radiator issues that she never addressed while she was still in this life. At first, they were manageable and benign. A couple of months before my mom’s car finally stopped running, the cracked radiator’s leaks were so profound, I had to go to the service center twice or three times a week for refills on coolant.

Within each of us is a light, awake, encoded in the fibers of our existence. Divine ecstasy is the totality of this marvelous creation experienced in the hearts of humanity ~ Tony Samara

In the process, I learned about a lot of things: engine and radiator mechanics, how the coolant level affected my air conditioning and vehicle heating in the winters, and much more!  The technicians taught me very well. Similarly, the more we practice energy work and spiritual self-care, the  more we learn about our  inner ‘operating system.’

In hindsight, learning to drive a manual has now become a joyous goal I look forward to accomplishing. At this time, I do not own stick shift vehicle, but I certainly intend to in the foreseeable future.

About The Author: Esther

Esther knows the best way to survive trauma is to keep looking for the positives in life! She left a successful career as a pharmacist in 2017, to help others see their way through the darkness. She honed her psychic gifts and developed strong counseling skills that helped thousands. She hosts her own radio show on Wednesdays and has been a sought after guest on other programs. An expert in Astrology and Tarot, she maintains a list of 250 personal clients, she's served over 2000 clients from all walks of life, and has dispensed accurate information and insights to those in need. She uses a holistic approach that allowed her to deal with her own serious illness and avoid an organ transplant! In life, she's conquered pill addiction, divorce, a serious illness and has the life experience to help others overcome their own obstacles too. For over 10 years, she led an education group for psychiatric patients and has an acquired wealth of knowledge in general health and wellness. There's no better door to knock on than Esther's. This gifted intuitive has walked in your shoes and has come out the other side healthy, happy and fulfilled. You can find Esther at

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