Ten Signs Of A Past Life
If someone has an old soul, can their past lives affect their current life or future happiness? Does unfinished business from the past affect us in our current and future relationships and life choices?
In my experience it does, and the key to identifying these influences from past lives can often be found in certain traits and symptoms. These signs always have a significance. It is like unlocking a lock on a box by finding the right key. Once you have the right key you can unlock your past and reflect on the future.
Researching this subject I have identified ten common signs of reincarnation and past lives: Continue reading
The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love
The need for true love and meaningful romance is a profound longing we all share as spiritual beings in human form. But finding the love of your life is not an easy feat in this day and age. Yes, the pursuit of romantic love is certainly not for the weak and cowardly.
I have heard many weary love pilgrims claim they have called off the search. Many even choose to believe that they no longer want an intimate relationship with anyone; they are completely content to remain single and unattached for the rest of their lives. Who needs a soulmate after all, right? The truth is that we all share a deep-seated need for affection and authentic connection with that one special mate. And deep down we all know it. Continue reading
Tarot For Everyone
Even if you’re not already practicing divination, chances are you know something about the Tarot. This is one of the oldest divination tools known to man and, with its countless individual variations, presents an opportunity for anyone wanting to know more about them self to find out.
Before you start a Tarot reading always clear your thoughts and focus on your questions when shuffling your cards. If you’re wanting to read cards, or have them read for you, you’ll want to invest in a good deck. It’s important to choose one which reflects your taste and personality. If you’re just starting out, the classic Rider-Waite deck is a always a good choice.
Every Tarot deck contains 78 cards of Major Arcana consisting of 22 cards and Minor Arcana consisting of 56 cards. Study one card at a time to learn its meaning. A good book on the subject can also help. Continue reading
The Second Chakra
The second chakra, or Swadhisthana is located just under the navel. It is symbolized by a white lotus flower or crescent moon. The animal totem of the second chakra is the crocodile and the musical note that resonates with this chakra is “D”. This is considered the sacral chakra.
The color of the second chakra is orange. Foods to stimulate the second chakra include oranges, apricots, carrots, and cantaloupe.
Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm. This energy is also where we tap into our creativity and pleasure. It rules the reproductive organs and the corresponding gland is the sexual endocrine glands. This chakra helps to balance our spirituality and sexuality, and is also the area in the body where we hold blockages relating to sexual trauma. Continue reading
The First Chakra
Chakra literally means “wheel” or “circle of light.”
The first chakra, or Muladhara, is located in the coccygeal region at the base of the spine where we sit. It is symbolized by a four petaled red lotus flower.
The animal totem of the first chakra is the elephant. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is C. It is considered the root chakra.
The color of the root chakra is red. It rules the feet, legs, anus, hips, bowels and bladder.
Foods to stimulate the first chakra include beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries.
Corresponding gland: Adrenal glands. Continue reading