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Healing Your Life With Archangel Raphael

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe main roles of Archangel Raphael, the angelic realm’s Supreme Healer, are to heal, guide and support individuals in their health matters. In fact, the name Raphael actually means “God heals” or, in Hebrew, “He who heals.”

One of the wonderful things about Archangel Raphael is that he is with us, in an instant, whenever needed. However, he is by no means a shy angel, because he well and truly likes to make his presence known – to make you fully aware that you are being comforted and supported on your way back to a healthier state. Nevertheless, it is imperative that we understand the signs that we are indeed connecting with this supreme being. Those signs may be one or more of the following:

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Aromatherapy Divination

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comOur sense of smell is most closely related to parts of the brain that play a major role in controlling mood, memory, behavior, and emotion. In a spiritual sense, smells can trigger memories of people, places, and past events. There’s even a type of psychic ability in mediumship when communicating with deceased loved ones, known as clairolfaction or clairalience.

Clairolfaction is when we smell something that reminds us of someone we used to know who is now on the Other Side. This smell is distinct and comes out of nowhere. When a deceased loved one pays a visit to someone in the living and makes their presence known through smell, it could come through as a perfume they used to wear, or the smell of cigarette smoke, flowers, foods, or just about anything unique to that person.

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Delivering Messages From The Afterlife

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs it true that the dearly departed can communicate with us through signs? Can you please give me a message of proof that my much loved friends, family or pets on the other side are okay?

These are some of the questions that psychic mediums receive when a caller longs for proof that the soul journey of their loved ones continues on the other side of the veil. From time to time callers also ask me if I believe in an afterlife. Well, I don’t just believe it exists – I know it does! My strong ‘knowing’ is due to my personal experiences, as well as my professional experiences delivering messages from spirit to others.

My husband is known to have quite the opposite viewpoint. He says, ”When you’re dead, you’re dead.’ I have wondered if he maybe states this as some kind of a self-protection device? Because he has also had his share of ‘other-worldly’ experiences, including a couple of eerie visitations from spirit.

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Lost In A Dream

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEven if we don’t always recall our dreams, we do have them every night. These are encoded messages from the most honored area, the higher self. There is no negative impact connected to this particular source of information. It is simply an individual guidance system that can help lead us into successful areas, or steer us away from potential danger zones. Once we acknowledge that we react from our thoughts and emotions, and understand what the end results are, we are then able to assist our own motives and create a change in the course we have set out for ourselves.

Dream interpreters can potentially evaluate, analyze and understand what all the signs, symbols, colors, and so on, may mean for us, pertaining to how we are conducting our daily lives. Dreams can hold a wealth of any type of information.

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Spiritual Guidance Through Synchronicity

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the many years that I have been a spiritual advisor, I have gained tremendous confidence in Spirit’s ability to lead us. I believe that the Source from which we came is always supporting us, leading us, and speaking to us.

As a spiritual advisor it is my job to pay attention to the language of Spirit. However, the language of Spirit is not only reserved for spiritual practitioners. In fact, some of the best readings that I have given to others were confirmations of what Spirit had already been saying to them directly. I believe that one of the purposes of spiritual advisors on our planet is to gently guide people into understanding the language of Spirit for themselves and to confirm for them that they are always guided and supported.

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How To Choose Your Path

click here for a FREE reading at PsychicAccess.comThink about all the choices you make every day. Do you cut that person off in traffic? Who do you vote for? Do you stay faithful to your partner or spouse? We all make many decisions every day that affect our lives and the people around us.

It is recommended we take time to wrestle with our decisions and make the right decision. When we are grounded and in alignment with our true self, it is not as difficult as it may seem. It is always more difficult when we take the path that the rest of the world seems to preach or dictate. The tendency is to take the easy path; the simple path; the selfish path. And once we do, we then wish we had taken a different path – a path less travelled. Hindsight is too often 20/20.

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The Mystery Of Spirit Orbs

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChances are you’ve taken at least one photo in your lifetime, and upon seeing it later noticed one or more small, unexplained orbs of light in the image. Is it the sun? A light reflection? Something on the lens? A lost frame from a J.J. Abrams film? Sometimes it is just one of these things, but sometimes it is what is known as a spirit orb.

Orbs are ‘balls of light’ that have no natural explanation and can appear in different sizes and colors. They are not only found in photographic images, but can also sometimes be seen by the naked eye, especially by clairvoyants and those who can see auras.

The presence of an orb may indicate that an angel or other spirit guardian is present. Angels are creatures of light, and the circular shape of the orb represents infinity. Viewed closely, some of these orbs reveal complex patterns, along with the unique color aura of the guardian. A few even reveal discernible faces!

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