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Contact After Death – How Long Does It Take?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked how long it takes a soul, recently crossed over, to come back and connect with a loved one. This is particularly a concern for those souls who depart in a violent manner or through illness, and often at a young age.

I’ve learned through experience that the actual time in our Earth time can be different from soul to soul. It tends to depend on the belief system of the person prior to them returning to spirit, because if they didn’t believe there would be a time of ‘orientation’ to their new surrounds.

Sometimes people will come to me for a mediumship reading hoping to connect with a loved one who recently passed away, and they would be disappointed when they don’t get any messages from the individual they had hoped to connect with. Fortunately, they are often relieved when another family member or friend comes through for them, usually with a message about their recently departed loved one. Continue reading

Mediumship And Family Life

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comBeing around a gifted family does help your spiritual energy grow and the feeling of support and mutual understanding that we share, when we are all together, is truly wonderful.

Last year we moved into a new house. We started noticing that every once in a while we would hear noises and we had no idea where they were coming from. Sometimes it would be as simple as the sound of someone hitting the wall, and other times it sounded like someone walking up and down the stairs.

The longer we lived there the more we heard these strange noises. It didn’t matter what time of the day it was. The situation developed to a point where almost every day you would hear footsteps on the stairs or in the hallway! Continue reading

The Psychic Well

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe Psychic Well is where I go, or where I am sent to, every time I do a reading. I also go there when I do Reiki, when I write an article, or when I write a poem. The Psychic Well runs deeper than you may ever believe, and I include myself in that concept, because of what happens each time I go there.

As a Tarot card reader using Numerology, Astrology, auras and deep intuition, there are always days you don’t think you have any wisdom left to share. You feel as if you have no more empathy with which to feel another’s pain, because just as with any profession, you can suffer burnout.

Psychic burnout can be crippling for a healer, psychic reader or spiritualist medium. You can become almost paralyzed by it. You want to work, because it’s what you are meant to do. You want to write, because that’s all you know how to do. But you are unable to do either. The Psychic Well beckons you, but you have no energy to make it there. Continue reading

The Calling Cards Of Spirit Whispers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was thirteen years old, and out walking with my father when he said, “I want to talk to you about something”. I thought, “Oh no, is this going to be a talk about the birds and the bees!” And then he began, not a talk about the facts of life, but a little chat about what he called ‘The Spooks’.

My dad spoke about his conversion from atheist to spiritualist some ten years earlier. He told me how my mother had taken a bet with him and he lost. Losing meant he would have to accompany her to a spiritualist church in London. He went to the spiritualist church one Sunday night when Joseph Benjamin, a well-known medium, was on the platform.

Even standing right at the back didn’t stop this medium homing in on my father with a message from his recently deceased father. The message blew my dad away, especially when through Joseph Benjamin he was getting told off by his father about the way the tools he’d inherited were rusting away with neglect in the shed, amongst other things. Continue reading

Ectoplasm The Basis Of Spirit Manifestation

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEctoplasm is an outer layer of protoplasm; one could say it is an etherealized protoplasm. Protoplasm is the basis of all plant and animal life.

Physical mediumship requires either a superabundance of one of the chemicals contained in protoplasm, or the addition of an unknown chemical built up by spirit power. This substance in its many forms is used as the basis of all physical spirit manifestation.

It forms the body and clothing of a materialized spirit. It is also used in telekinesis and automatic writing. In fact, even the tiniest of spirit raps cannot be produced without the aid of a physical body from which is drawn the necessary ectoplasm.

Spirits, without the use of a material instrument, are powerless to produce a sound or anything that comes into the range of our five physical senses, for they live in a higher range of vibration of which we are unconscious. To produce any form of sound they need ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is the key to how spiritual entities manifest once again in a body that can be seen and even, sometimes, touched. Continue reading

The Angel At Friday Night Football

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFriday night football is bigger and better in Ohio. Where I live everybody knows it is the best place to get away from your everyday work and enjoy the sports under the stadium lights.

My wife and I go with my in-laws, my sister in-law and my nephew to every home game where my nieces are performing as cheerleaders. We usually go to the top of the stadium to the far left, as far as we can go for the best possible view.

Last Friday night at the football something happened to me that I never ever thought would happen to me. An angel appeared to me and talked to me. She looked like a human in the flesh.

I often play an ‘astronaut’ game with my nephew at the football game, to try and keep his attention, while I watch the game the same time. Continue reading

Care Of The Soul

Get a FREE Psychic Reading Now At PsychicAccess.comOne radical difference between care of the soul and a great deal of modern psychological work is that the former offers a profound appreciation for the personalities who are important in our lives, even if they are flawed people and even if the relationship is not perfect. Psychology prefers to analyze with the goal of increased understanding, yet understanding does little for the soul.

Imagine telling stories of those that have crossed over, not for insight into ourselves, but simply to establish a deep, continuing relationship with them. The soul is given eternity in that exchange, while understanding offers it little more than another fragment of logic. It has nothing to do with establishing a home for the infinite within our finite lives. Continue reading

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