Substance Abuse Invites Evil Influences
Someone close to me has been fighting their demons for years. In my opinion such demons would relate to negative energy, or entities influencing a person who has opened themselves up, and become vulnerable to them because of substance abuse and addiction. This person’s crazy behavior has been progressive, part of which was aggression, anger and hate thoughts towards just about anybody.
Their background was dysfunctional, but not to the extent that it should change them from a relatively contented individual into a pressure cooker waiting to explode. I am now of the opinion this person was vulnerable to these lower energies because of alcohol abuse over several years. Continue reading
The Sixth Chakra
The sixth chakra, or Ajna is located at the brow, right between the two physical eyes. It is symbolized by a lotus with two petals.
The animal totem of the sixth chakra is the black antelope or black panther. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “A”. This is considered the intuition chakra and it is also referred to as the Third Eye.
It rules the sinuses, optic nerve, eyes, forehead and the frontal lobe of the brain. Its corresponding gland is the pineal gland.
The color for this chakra is a deep indigo. Foods to stimulate this chakra include Eggplant, blackberries, red cabbage.
Physically, Ajna deals with vision. Emotionally it deals with clarity on an intuitive level and mentally with visual consciousness. Spiritually it deals with compassion, empathy, foresight and psychic ability. Empaths, mediums, psychics, and intuitives usually have a very developed and open sixth chakra. Continue reading
Life After Death
I remember going to my first funeral. We traveled a few states away to attend this. My mother’s uncle had passed and they felt it was okay I attend. I was pretty upset only a few years before, because I didn’t get to go to my grandpa’s funeral. I was in kindergarten and remember feeling left out in that I couldn’t say goodbye.
I remember it like it was yesterday, looking at the casket as he lay there, and his wife crying over him and his sisters, all aged of course, they must have been in their 60’s. Being a typical Italian family, they were in the back talking about his life and trying to make things right, and going over past negative arguments and trying to make sense of his passing, and trying to find peace in it.
I remember, while observing all of this chaos, thinking to myself that he is here; he is observing us and watching his funeral. I felt he was at the foot of his coffin. I could see a figure once I focused my eyes, and I realized he was in fact not dead – his energy was alive! Continue reading
Helping A Young Psychic Develop
A young person with a psychic gift must be recognized early on, and nurtured in their development. If not, they may experience a lot of confusion and even trauma. Their gift must be seen and experienced as a blessing, not a curse.
My niece Rachel was one of the more fortunate. She clearly had a gift from a very tender age. When she was a little girl I would give my brother and sister in-law some time off by babysitting Rachel and her older sister. Every time I would go over to their house to watch the kids, Rachel didn’t want me to read her normal children books. She would grab the family photo album and look specifically at old pictures of deceased family members. She would look at these photos with much interest and talk to the people in them as if they were sitting right in front of her. Continue reading
The Haunted Typewriter
When I was growing up my mother had a typewriter that had been in the family for a long time. I never knew much about its history.
One day I was invited to a family reunion at my aunt and uncle’s house. After my mother had passed away I never had much contact with them. We sat around and talked about my mother being a psychic and how she experienced many paranormal stuff as a child. My aunt took out a family photo album she had shown me before and in one of the pictures there was a picture of an old, black typewriter. She told me that it was a 1920’s Royal typewriter and that my grandfather received it as payment for working on someone house. The homeowners didn’t have the money to pay him for his services. Continue reading