The Spiritual Purpose Of Patience
Life has been teaching me that patience is indeed a virtue. I have been becoming much more patient than I used to be. It is one of the lessons that I will have to learn in this lifetime.
Patience is something that we are all told to have more of, but it can be difficult to be patient in trying circumstances or stressful times. Often we are wanting to advance in our life, and we have to get from one point to the next as quickly as possible, while patience is all about a spiritual ‘halt.’
Patience often ties into our soul contract, and why we have come here. We have to learn certain lessons before we can get to the next level. We can try to bypass patience, and force things to happen our way, but remember each of us have come here with a soul contract that guides us along our path. The higher self always knows which way is the best and easiest, but we try to rush things, and we jump into things and get ahead of ourselves, in ways that we should not.
We don’t always listen to our inner voice, and for this there are usually repercussions. Being impatient only serves to slow us down, or complicate our progress. Spirit is telling us that we can get to where we need to go, but it may take our time to get there. Our guides try to intervene and keep us paused. If only we would pay attention and listen.
Patience is all about understanding ourselves. When you send a wish or desire out into the Universe, you can’t dictate when it is going to come back to you, but you must trust that the Universe is going bring you to the place that you want to be.
Finding Answers In The Akashic Records
Imagine an enormous, vast, endless library where every book is a detailed record of every life every lived on Earth, as well as in every other dimension, or realms of existence. These are what is known as the Akasaha, or the Akashic Records. It is a complete collection of all the thoughts, words, feelings, events and experiences that have ever occurred in this life, and the next.
By accessing the Akashic Records, one can gain information about past lives or a present life. One can read any moment of someone’s life. One can feel their emotions, observe their thoughts, and find explanations and answers to life questions. One can also do this for any other soul the particular person interacted with in their current life, or their former incarnations.
There is no ego on the other side, so there are no secrets and no need for privacy. The Akashic record is a ‘public library’ with ‘free access.’ Every life lived contributes information or spiritual data for the collective consciousness, the universal mind and soul. We don’t just live our physical lives for our benefit, and our own soul evolution. We also live our lives for the expansion of the Universe, and the evolution of every other soul that has ever lived, or will ever live in the physical.
Anyone can go into the Akashic records and research their own lifetimes, and that of others, in order to learn from our choices, decisions, faults, mistakes, thoughts, emotions, challenges, adversities, lessons, gifts and blessings.
The Universal Law Of Karma
Karma is a universal spiritual law, the same way that gravity is a law of nature or physics. The Law of Karma basically states that ‘as you sow, shall you reap.’ Karma is therefore the spiritual principle of ‘cause and effect.’ For every action there is an equal reaction, or ripple effect.
Karma is also what keeps everything in the Universe in balance. The Chinese symbol of Yin and Yang perfectly illustrates this process of ‘karmic balancing.’ It shows how all the positive and negative forces in the universe balance each other out, because karma equalizes the energy that flows through everything.
Every single action that we take in life is therefore like a spiritual seed we plant. Some of the seeds will sprout quickly, while others may take lifetimes to come to fruition. However long it may take, one thing is for sure, in time every seed we sow will germinate… and we will eventually have to face the result of all our actions and choices.
Karma is therefore an endless chain of actions and reactions, which binds every soul to their good and bad deeds. The soul, born into a physical body, is constantly acting to bring about the results of activity from one life to the next. We choose to act in a certain way, and then become involved with the reactions or consequences of each chosen action.
After giving up one physical body, we eventually enter into another, and we mostly forget everything about that previous life. In this way the soul reaps the results of his actions, from lifetime to lifetime. Everything that happens in our lives is nothing but the reaction of past activities.
The Linear Time Trap Of The Past
It is said we do not know what time is. We also do not know where it comes from, and we definitely do not know where it goes! And according to Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, because space and time are fluid. Yes, such are the mysteries of the fourth dimension.
Linear time may be an illusion in scientific terms, but in our daily life it is still the time that we cannot stop or control. That clock keeps on ticking, and the cycles of night and day will forever come and go. Every morning, the sun shall continue to rise, and the Earth will progress on its annual journey around the Sun.
However, our experience of time goes beyond the everyday linear. Did you know that there is also such a thing as spiritual time?
Surely you have observed that whenever you are doing something really unpleasant or boring, time can certainly drag on. For example, I recently had to wait for some medical tests that would determine whether or not I was developing breast cancer. Thankfully, the tests came back negative, but I remember thinking of those awful four weeks of hospital visits and biopsies as being the ‘longest month of my life!’
On the other hand, time can also pass so quickly whenever we are having a good time and enjoying ourselves. Why would this be? Well, when you are really delighted with something, your soul, your spirit, your higher self becomes fully engaged in the pleasant experience you are having. In simple terms, when this happens, you literally lose track of linear, reality time itself and your personal, spiritual time shifts to the front. This is the time of your true spiritual self.
Signs You May Not Be Using Your Soul Gifts
We all have soul gifts and metaphysical abilities. These gifts are meant to be used to help us fulfill our destiny, and support us along our spiritual path in this life. However, many any of us have soul gifts that are yet to be discovered.
We tend to be consumed with the hustle and bustle of life, and the latest gadgets, smart phones and social media trends. Meanwhile, we are not only unaware of the needs of those around us, we also remain unaware of our own unique, innate soul gifts and abilities. Many are sadly unaware of their reason for being.
For example, some have the gift of being a ‘master builder’ or ‘divine creator.’ They have an amazing ability to contribute to creating a fantastic new world with their imaginative powers, but they sometimes create their own imagined world so fantastic they would rather spend time there. They tend to withdraw from the reality of the materialistic world as we know it, and the people therein, when they are not using this gift.
Some people with soul gifts that are yet to be realized, may suffer from insomnia or nightmares. These unpleasant dreams come as warnings or revelations. They occur when one is not using the gifts you were given, or are not living or doing what you came to do in this life.
Some people may have unexpected or brief experiences with time travel or time slips, or even time loops. This could be the soul’s way of pointing you in a certain direction, or a time or place that the soul wants or needs to revisit. This may manifest through unexpected or unplanned astral projections, or possibly the physical body raising its vibration just briefly to make such anomalies possible. It may have one asking yourself, “Was that just a dream?”
Be The Star Of Your Show!
Are you the star of your own show? If not, then maybe it is time. For once put yourself first by honoring your spirit, your sacred body temple, and the higher work you have been called to complete in this lifetime.
You can begin by honoring your spirit with deeply soulful ‘food.’ This can take the form of meditation, prayer, or simply enjoying whatever self-care activity or spiritual practice feeds your spirit the most. But in doing so, it is important to consciously disconnect from the mundane world around you, and allow the blissful energy of Spirit Divine to pour in.
As I write these words, I can literally feel the healing energy of the sunlight bathing me, even though I am logging on from deep in the cold Rockies on a cloudy afternoon. This intense energy is a message to my soul that each of us has the ability to tap into spiritual warmth and renewal within a single thought.
My late mother used to call this connection with the Divine the I AM presence that is abundantly accessible to us all. It is important to tap into this presence as a reminder that we are spirit energy, divinely guided, protected, and in ‘the spotlight of our own shows.’
Being a ‘star’ also means that you must take deliberate time to honor your sacred body temple. You do this by enjoying healthy foods and balanced nutrition.