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Sourcing Prosperity

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my teachers used to say, on multiple occasions, that we are on this planet to bless, prosper, and honor each other. There is value in honoring those around us. A Course In Miracles says that every interaction that we have is quite literally an opportunity for relationship, and this is very true. I have worked with several clients that say that they are starved for love, however, after channeling for their situation, it is very common to find that what they seem starved for they are often withholding from others.

Channeling for many years, I have received one consistent spiritual message relating to the human experience: desperation can never lead to any kind of fulfillment. When we are desperate for something, whether it is a relationship, more money, more free time, and so on, we will often miss opportunities if we are desperately looking for something we assume isn’t there. Continue reading

Life Is Like Cooking Bacon And Eggs

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is like cooking bacon and eggs without a shirt on. Why is that? Well, let’s think about the process one goes through when cooking bacon and eggs.

After picking out the frying pans, next is to consider what version of eggs to cook. Scrambled, poached, fried (sunny side up, over easy), omelet, boiled? Do we add vegetables, or cheese? Which kind of cheese: American, Swiss, Pepperjack? Broccoli, onions, asparagus, carrots?

So many choices, so little time.

Having sifted through the refrigerator, checking out the ‘best before’ dates, and smelling and squeezing all the ingredients, we are now ready to cook the eggs. The first choices made, now it’s time to take action. What is the timing between starting the eggs and bacon: separate pans or combined? How crispy do we like our bacon? Continue reading

How To Interpret Your Dreams

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have always found dreams to be most fascinating.  Interestingly, my guides have taught me that there are, in fact, three types of dreams.

Many dreams are just a result of some of the mundane information we take in on a daily basis. These are usually the kind of dreams which make no sense at all.

Some dreams are simply reflective of both our fears and desires. For example, swimming close to sharks would be an obvious fear for most people, whereas winning the lottery is what a lot of folks would love to happen. Continue reading

Accomplish More With A Vision Board

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs I began to approach my teen years, I became more eager to develop my intuitive abilities. It was important for me to start finding my purpose. I had become a part of this adolescent spiritual group, where kids from different cultures and religious backgrounds came together to find common ground.

On the last night of a camping retreat, we gathered around a large table with magazines and art materials surrounding us. Our teacher instructed us to put our vision on paper, so we could have a visual tool to motivate and inspire us for the future.

There was much laughter in the beginning, but then the room became more serious and quiet. Everyone began filling their paper with colorful images and commenting on how awesome the project was. In the final hour, we all went around the room and shared our vision boards with humor and emotion. Overall we learned that each one of us is unique and driven to make our imprint in this world. Continue reading

Feng Shui Your Life

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you’ve been feeling stuck, depressed, or just in need of change, tap into the power of Feng Shui. This ancient Chinese art, of arranging the home for maximum energetic potential, is easier than you think to apply in your everyday life.

The best way to start is to create routines and rituals for yourself. Everything in the natural world exists according to a series of daily patterns or routines, and we are no different! Take time each day to meditate, incorporate gentle physical activity such as a walk or yoga, sit down and eat mindfully at each meal. It’s also crucial to create a sacred space to escape from the stresses and sensory input of the modern world.

Are you the kind of person who finds it difficult to start things? Make a dream board filled with visual representations of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, then place it where you can see it multiple times a day. Continue reading

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 – Are You Prepared?

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA rare solar eclipse is expected to occur coast to coast over the USA tomorrow. Some believe this eclipse is a negative spiritual event.

Traditionally a total eclipse was seen as a source of dark energy or a bad omen, because the Sun’s energy is blocked and the Earth goes dark for a while. However, I believe this is a misconception in regards to the actual energetic and spiritual attributes of a solar eclipse.

When a solar eclipse takes place, it heightens the energy towards the Earth and all humans, but especially towards those on a spiritual journey. This is a good time to meditate, reflect and successfully perform personal spiritual rituals or practices. And yes, because the energy pull shifts, it means that you will feel the difference if you allow yourself to.

However, there are positive and negative energetic aspects to a solar eclipse, if you are not careful. If you are in a state of peace, you will experience enhanced peace at this time. If you are in a state of unrest, you will have an enhanced state of unrest. It is imperative to be in a good space and be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions during this eclipse. Continue reading

Choose Wisely To Save Your Relationship

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToxic relationships can have a detrimental effect on our health. Some of us stay in toxic relationships for all kinds of reasons. We try and rationalize in our minds the reasons why we should not end it.

Some people think having a family with someone, or owning property together, is reason enough to stay in an unhealthy relationship. Some feel they have invested so much time and energy into the relationship, that it would be a waste to walk out. Others stay for religious reasons.

So, too many people keep living in relationships that are unhealthy and detrimental to their well-being. But what I have learned over the years, as professional psychic and spiritual advisor, is simply this: if the love is no longer there, it wasn’t meant to last; that period of soul growth is complete and it is time to move on. Continue reading

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