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Welcome The New And Improved

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comApril was a month of transformation, new beginnings and change. It was a ‘shift’ month where many found their lives in a state of confusion and not knowing what the cause is. Relationships fell apart. Not just marriages or soul partner relationships, but also relationships with friends, family, career, loss of material items, and so much more.

Why is this happening at this time?  When I put this question out to spirit, this is the answer I received in return.

“Your life is changing and so must the attachments that come along with it. We are removing those things that no longer serve you as we know what is best for you even if you think otherwise. Continue reading

Facing Your Fears – A Message From My Guides

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s okay to feel afraid. You have an excellent built-in system for self-protection. There are many legitimate fears such as raging house fires or menacing wild animals, and your body is designed to trigger fight-or-flight responses to help you in times of great peril.

However, these are not the fears that we are referencing here. We are speaking of the ingrained fears that manifest because you have allowed yourself to become trapped by a common belief system, or perhaps someone else’s past experience.

Our lesson for you today is to nurture your ability to step back and evaluate these fears before allowing them to take hold and prevent you from living your most exciting life, becoming your very best self or, worse, crushing your potential. Continue reading

Healthy Boundaries – A Message From My Guides

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is okay to say no. As a matter of fact, it is imperative to learn to say no, and stick with it. We observe that many of you try to be all things to all people. You run yourselves ragged, physically and emotionally, trying to please other people.

You put others ahead of yourselves and then become frustrated and angry when you have no time left for your own personal lives. This is exhausting, stressful and becomes completely unrealistic over time.

The challenge in setting healthy personal boundaries often arises when it becomes difficult to prioritize your own needs and desires against the expectations of others. Since when do these people rule your roost? Since when are their expectations more valid or important than your own peace of mind, ideas or schedules? Why do you give them such power over your dreams, goals, ambitions and life? Continue reading

Always Choose Your Gut First

Click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEveryone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out or achieve it, because ego starts to become more prominent in their lives instead of Source, Universe, God.

How do you know if what you are doing is for your highest good? And how do you know if what you want from life is based on your wants, or has been placed there to achieve from Universe? You follow your gut.

When you were born, there was a deep-seeded dream placed within you. Some of us, as children, were able to draw on it just knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, astronaut or ballerina. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. They would be kind, caring and giving towards other people, whether they were children, adults or seniors. Continue reading

The Twelve Laws Of Karma

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarma is a tricky word to define. And no, it doesn’t mean ‘revenge’ or ‘payback!’ In the simplest sense, karma is energy. We get back what we put forth. Or, to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, we become the product of our thoughts. And, like other forces at work in the Universe, karma follows a set of basic laws:

Great Law – We reap what we sow, every cause is related to an equal cause.

Law of Creation – Our intentions and desires are related. In other words, God helps those who help themselves.

Law of Humility – It is what it is. We must first address the root of our issues and accept things at face value, before we begin to change. Continue reading

Soul To Spirit Connection

Click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough they may seem one and the same, our soul path is quite distinctive from our spiritual path. They are separate from each other, yet act in tandem with one another.

The easiest way to define how they operate is to look at the soul as the essence of who you are. In other words, the soul is your ‘home,’ while the spirit is the circumstances that help shape your life, like a ‘neighborhood’ where you reside.

Our soul path is the gifts and talents that we come in with and make use of. Our spiritual path is the given set of circumstances that provide us with growth, learning and movement forward, towards our sense of awareness.

Let us examine an example to assist with the clarification. A young soul may enter this domain, take on a masculine energy and from his very early days may have plans to become a doctor. This will be the essence of his soul path. Continue reading

Want Only What You Need

Click now for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was busy getting ready to go out and feeling harried, as if what I had to do was so very important! But it was my perspective that was distorted and incorrect. Sensing this, I decided to sit down and take a moment. I wanted to get into alignment, before I got behind the wheel, as I had promised myself I would never rush in traffic. The rushed feeling triggered another feeling to put myself in check.

So, sitting down, I had a vision of my Grandpa. He came into focus for only a few seconds, but his visit to me seemed to last much longer. Time is different on the other side and we perceive it differently. Continue reading

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