Being In Your Element
A former work associate, whom I hadn’t heard from in several years, recently called me to touch base. She asked me how I was doing and out popped my words: “I am in my element! I am working from home, doing what I love and surrounded by my menagerie of many”.
After we ended the call, I began analyzing what I had just said, and just what “being in my element” really meant, because it isn’t a term I use regularly. It made me more aware of how I had specifically set my intention and manifested the actual circumstances I wanted to work in, even though, right now, I am in the process of manifesting them on another continent! Continue reading
Let Color Be Your Daily Inspiration
We can use colors to help us in daily growth. Applying different colors can create significant shifts in our everyday life. Having colors in our life can help us to see how we can achieve are personal goals.
Green is gives us balance from our head to our heart. It offers us a more positive outlook in life.
Blue gives us a strong sense of right and wrong. It empowers us to make better judgments and smarter decisions. It also teaches is not to overreact to many things in life.
Orange brings warmth and happiness into our life, and offers emotional strength in difficult times. Continue reading
Blue Deck Or Red Deck?
I use two playing card decks when I read: one blue and one red. Typically I let my clients choose the deck of cards they prefer me to use during a reading. My hand usually goes to the deck that my client will choose, before they even tell me.
Recently, I have been noticing that my spirit guide will have me choose another deck instead, after the client has already picked the other deck.
At these times my guide would say I need for you to pick another deck, because it is in their best interest for the future. Then I would pick up another deck and often the next chapter that will come in my client’s life will surface in the reading. Continue reading
Would Turning Your Fantasy Into Reality Be Wise?
How many thoughts do we have per day? Nobody seems to know for sure and the experts don’t agree, but they all seem to concur that it is ranges somewhere in the thousands. We also have many daydreams and fantasies that cross our minds on a daily basis.
Many of these thoughts and daydreams we would never share with our mates, friends, or family. Many of us never act on our fantasies, for various obvious reasons: we want to stay married, or we want to stay in the same job, or we fear failure should we attempt something new and different. Some of us may even fear that we could end up behind bars in extreme cases. Continue reading
All’s Well That Ends Well
Psychic reading clients need to understand that at times psychics can be off on the timing, when a client asks for a date during a reading. It has happened many times that I would predict a date or offer a timeline that only came to pass a while later, or even sooner.
I know it is hard on the client sometimes, because they want that person to come back soon, or they want a problem that is causing them anxiety to be resolved. I always try my best to give an accurate date when a client asks for it. But time frames are hard to read and seldom exact. As a psychic client myself, I have learned this over the years through personal experience. I always take the time forecasts of psychics with a grain of salt. Continue reading