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spirit realm

Journey Born Under A Divine Star

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the coming weeks I will be posting a series of articles from my travel blog, which I wrote during my recent trip to Europe. The blogs are a collection of spiritual adventures, pilgrimages to sacred places and accounts of my personal odyssey into self-realization. Let me be your guide to sacred sites like Stone Henge in the United Kingdom and the Oracle of Delphi at Temple of Apollo in Greece.

I was very excited that my journey began under one of the most rare and powerful aspects in astrology, namely the Grand Sextile, or Star of David. The ancients associated this unique alignment of six planets with the birth and anointing of a king. This rare alignment of the planets occurred on July 29th, 2013. Seven of the ten planets were involved to create six sextiles, three oppositions and two Grand Trines! Continue reading

Psychic DNA: Nature or Nurture?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that psychic ability is an innate talent or gift aimed at a specific Life Calling, while intuition is a highly personal aspect of our inner spiritual guidance system. We all possess our own, natural intuition, whether we are conscious or unconscious of it – but not everyone is psychic.

Natural intuition is highly personal and mostly about taking care of our own personal needs. Psychic ability on the other hand shifts extra sensory perception from the personal sphere into the realm of the impersonal. Intuition is our direct inner guidance from our Divine Self towards achieving our unique Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Psychic ability on the other hand dwells in the realm of the selfless, prophetic and archetypal. Psychics, mediums and healers are channels, messengers, conduits or surrogates, which means that they do not only receive personal inner guidance from their own Divine Self, but they also have the capacity to receive and translate guidance on behalf of their fellow man. These perceptions or messages may come from the other person’s Higher Self, or courtesy of non-physical entities, or from the Divine Source, God, or Collective Unconscious. Psychics, mediums and healers therefore have the natural ability to allow energy to flow through them to others, and on behalf of others. Continue reading

Assisted By Two Spirit Guides

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered how many spirit guides you have? Do you sometimes wonder if they help you in your personal life?

Well, I discovered a couple of weeks ago, when I had a client call me, how important a role our guides can play in our daily lives. The client had ask me to let my spirit guide choose the deck of cards for her and what happened was quite remarkable.

Many of my regular clients know I that I am assisted by my spirit guide Lisa in a lot in my psychic readings. But she usually does not choose the deck of cards. I always have the client choose the deck.

Well, on this occasion, when I started to flip the cards over I noticed that the cards gave off another type of energy compared to what I am usually seeing. When the client and me started to talk about her reading even she was really shocked, as much as I was, the way the reading had taken on an unusual twist. Everything I was telling her had in fact happened in her life over several days, before she called me. Continue reading

You Are A Divine Being

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou are not who you think you are. You are not that face you see in the mirror every morning. You are not someone’s child, or someone’s parent, or partner or friend. You are not the physical body you admire or criticize when you take a shower, or when you get dressed.

Neither are you the profile description on your social networking page, or your high school diploma, your driver’s license, or your title at work. You are not defined by your career, or the things you own, or the family and friends you love. You are not a name or an address, or a six-figure salary.

You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. Continue reading

A Friend Comes For Help

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA friend of mine called me on the phone last week and asked if I could come over to her parent’s land, which they have owned for some time. When I walked up the old dirt road, I noticed that everyone was standing around talking. Both my friend and her mom had a funny look on her face -like she had seen a ghost.

She told me that her parents decided to build a house on this piece of land that has been in their family for a long time. I ask them did they know much about the land and my friend told me know that her great grandparents gave her grandparents and they gave it to her parents. To me this land reminded me of something haunted you see on TV back in the old days, where you had the old trees, broken fences and stuff like that. Continue reading

Ectoplasm The Basis Of Spirit Manifestation

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEctoplasm is an outer layer of protoplasm; one could say it is an etherealized protoplasm. Protoplasm is the basis of all plant and animal life.

Physical mediumship requires either a superabundance of one of the chemicals contained in protoplasm, or the addition of an unknown chemical built up by spirit power. This substance in its many forms is used as the basis of all physical spirit manifestation.

It forms the body and clothing of a materialized spirit. It is also used in telekinesis and automatic writing. In fact, even the tiniest of spirit raps cannot be produced without the aid of a physical body from which is drawn the necessary ectoplasm.

Spirits, without the use of a material instrument, are powerless to produce a sound or anything that comes into the range of our five physical senses, for they live in a higher range of vibration of which we are unconscious. To produce any form of sound they need ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is the key to how spiritual entities manifest once again in a body that can be seen and even, sometimes, touched. Continue reading

The Ghost Children Of San Antonio, Texas

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSince it was Halloween a few days ago, I thought a ghost story would be appropriate. Although I could probably write a blog a day for months on my experiences with ghosts, I’ve chosen my favorite ghost story to share.

It happened around 18 years ago, while I was visiting a friend in San Antonio, Texas. I dropped my friend off at work and picked up her sister Lydia, who was from Texas.  We set out to see the sites.

After seeing the Alamo and the River Walk, Lydia suggested we go see Mission Park located off of Military, a major, busy street in San Antonio. Lydia proceeded to tell me the story of a bus load of 1st and 2nd graders, some 50 years earlier, whose bus got stuck on the railroad tracks. The story goes that a train came and hit the bus, killing the children. Continue reading

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