All Aboard The Train Of Life!
I recently heard someone say he was a passenger on “the train of life” and what immediately came to mind was what a glorious opportunity we have to evaluate our own particular role in coming into this existence.
So, let us start at the beginning. First of all we would need the individual who came up with the concept of a train, no more traveling long or short distances by foot or horseback or car, embark on your journey in comfort and ease, knowing there is someone who will endeavor to get you safely to your destination while you sit back and relax.
What manner of being would even venture to come up with such a plan? That would have to be the dreamers, or visionaries. They are the ones who often have their heads in the clouds and envision a better quality of life for us all. There is an abstract thought somewhere inside of them that must find a way of arriving at a viable workable plan. Continue reading
Leaving A Legacy – A Message From My Guides
As time goes on, it is natural to think of the impact you might have had on the people, places and things you have encountered over the years.
Some people become great inventors, physicians, leaders, politicians or investors, among many other noble professions. They can measure their legacies easily from the many lives they have touched with their work. Often their identities are household names and the entire world is familiar with their efforts.
But what about those of you who are living day-to-day, doing the best you can to keep your life in balance, your children educated and your mortgage or rent paid? What kind of legacy do you envision for your own family and for the world in which you live? Continue reading