life design
Dark Tears Are Pearls Of Wisdom
If you are currently facing a difficult period in your life, please, do know that it will not last forever! Better days will be knocking on your door in due course.
Time does not only heal all wounds, it also reveals to us the method in all the madness we had to go through.
We are often blinded by our own trauma or suffering. Earlier today one of my clients on Psychic Access begged me to explain to her why she has been having such “bad luck” lately. What had she done to deserve this hell she is going through?
In my experience, the pain or anguish we experience in our lives always turns out to be a blessing in disguise, one way or another. But in the midst of our misery it is obviously difficult to see this clearly and objectively. What my ‘bad luck’ client did not know, before she called, was that she has healing in her hands, and that all her torment was empowering her to heal others in the future. She knows that now, although I suspect she does not believe me yet! In time her true destiny will be revealed to her. Continue reading
Foot Loose and Fancy Free
Have you ever felt that you are stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out?
Something that really does help is to get away for a day or two, or go on a short vacation to clear your mind. Camping out, or an overnight or weekend stay at a motel, hotel, condo or vacation resort, can be part of a healing emotional health break!
I can’t believe the relief I felt recently, after a week away from the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life. When I arrived back home, I couldn’t wait to connect with my family, my Doberman dog and my friends.
However, the thing that I missed most was talking to my regular clients on Psychic Access and reconnecting with them during the time was away. I was refreshed and ready to pass on my newly refreshed positive energies to everyone! Continue reading
Psychic Vampires and Energy Thieves
Many empaths and highly sensitive people believe that some of the individuals they deal with daily are psychic vampires or energy thieves.
I believe this is a myth and a misconception. Yes, I admit, I have felt this way myself on many occasions in the past, until I discovered some truths about the matter. Once the facts were revealed to me, it changed my outlook radically.
It is simply impossible for anyone to drain or ‘steal’ your energy. Believing this to be possible implies that there is a limited source of energy available, which we have to share and compete over. This reeks of lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, the very things that cause so much conflict, rivalry, antagonism, struggle and suffering in the world. Continue reading
Is Your Reality Tunnel Being Hacked?
Many of us know, or at least believe, that we are powerful creators of our own reality and destiny.
Some of us go with the flow, weaving this divine knowledge intuitively into our daily existence, while others prefer to focus on it consciously, in an attempt to shape their lives more proactively.
Whatever your approach is, have you ever considered that while you are busy creating your own reality, you may also be busy creating someone else’s version of it? Have you ever considered that many of us may be shaping a future planned for us, by others?
There has been much debate and speculation in recent years about what ‘reality’ truly is. Many people, who are spiritually aware, need no convincing of these facts, but the jury is still out among the scientific community. Continue reading