A Legacy Of Unconditional Love
Recently, I was privileged enough to attend the celebration of life for my sweet cousin, Irene. She was clearly much loved. The hall not only had to have extra seats brought in, but it became standing room only.
What was so great about this little lady? Was she a politician in the public eye? A celebrity of some notoriety? Did she find the cure for a life threatening disease? Or was it the mere fact that she had spent 89 years of her life here on this plane? None of the above.
As a young girl, Irene would have been considered “wild”. She and a girlfriend not only took a bus trip across Canada, but also went by themselves to another country, which was not readily done in the early 40’s. But this is not what made her so remarkable. Her utlimate legacy was her ability to love others unconditionally. Continue reading
Not A People Person Or Pleaser, And It’s Okay!
I have had clients tell me that they feel something is wrong with them, because they don’t like to be around people. They prefer solitude. Others feel disconnected when around people, or it makes them feel smothered. People make them feel drained, or they feel out of their element.
If you are someone that does not like to be around people, or feels a sense of disconnect when in large groups, or even just engaging with others, fear not! I have some very good news to share with you.
It is my hope and prayer that this information will help you to stop being so hard on yourself when it comes to your social preferences. You do not need to feel guilty for not wanting to slap on a “happy face” and pretend to be someone you are not. Continue reading
Protect Yourself From Toxic People
I want you to know that you’re not the only one who may have people in your life draining you, and making you feel downright guilty and sick. This is what I call toxic love. Why do we stay with these people, or why do we continue to allow these people into our space and environment?
I’m sure you know why we allow some of them…we have no choice! They are is family, sometimes our friends and distant relatives, and sadly often times our life partners and spouses. Being a very empathic person myself, I am very sensitive to the energies around me. I know what it is like to be surrounded by energy thieves. Continue reading
Soulmates Make Life Fun!
Your soulmate may not be the most ideal person to marry and settle down with, but they are nevertheless wonderful for you to connect with. Soulmate connections can sometimes be a challenging, but always very inspiring and stimulating experience and, well, they make life fun!
I was doing a Tarot reading for myself the other day and many of the cards represented people I have known in my past. Right away it brought back happy, joyful memories. There were moments when I would laugh out loud remembering some of the silly things we did. Continue reading
The Abused Often Becomes The Abuser
I am still not sure why I tend to attract challenging, and sometimes negative personalities into my private space. Am I truly enabling others to give me this lesson over and over again?
I know that having the very experience of these negative souls in my space enables me to identify with the customers I read for. Many of my clients find themselves either in a similar situation, or in a situation whereby they love someone who doesn’t reciprocate their kind or encouraging ways.
Not a day goes by that I will not come across instances where one of my callers is subject to abusive, manipulative or controlling behavior, be it from a spouse, child, neighbor, colleague, or friend. Continue reading