Oneness The Key To Heaven On Earth
It isn’t until we die that we totally grasp in a deeper way the full meaning of why we were here on this planet: to love unconditionally; to realize we are all a part of each other; that we are here to share our own unique gifts; and to express love in our own authentic way.
The best way to explain it is to visualize an eyedropper with a little drop of water. That drop of water represents you. You are added to the much greater, big ocean, and although you may seem separate you are in fact one with the ocean. You are a part of everything and everyone else in the universe.
We are all one. You can achieve heaven on earth through recognizing that we are all one and by loving your fellow man the same as you love yourself. Continue reading
What Really Matters In Your Life?
It doesn’t matter what your profession is, how rich or successful you are, how attractive you think you are. Some of the most beautiful, caring, thoughtful, compassionate and charitable people are not necessarily wealthy or gorgeous.
God provides for His children in ways that are far beyond anything fame or fortune can provide. Less is truly more.
Instead of hoping to find many friends, who often come with a good amount chaos and drama, which I have no time for, I prefer one good friend, Jesus Christ. God always provides for his children. Less is truly more, especially when you have a Christ-centered life. Continue reading
Surround Yourself With Positive People
Some people have a smile, warmth and depth to them that is out of this world. These are the people you want to stay connected with.
Some people never evolve, but that is okay. Visualize them being away from you and being “great” somewhere else.
Some people think they are in kindergarten and, although they are adults now, they still play the game of “grapevine.” These people you can also wish away, to be “great” somewhere else.
Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone on the same frequency as yourself. Cherish and keep in touch with these lovely kindred folks. Continue reading
Can Best Friends Fall In Love?
Is it possible for two people, who have been best friends for years, to fall in love? Can there be such a special bond or psychic connection between acquaintances? And after all the years of being best friends, do they have what it takes to ultimately experience the magic of love?
If a pair of friends have been sharing intimate thoughts and mutual hopes and desires, the chemistry is often there to begin with. There are usually also a good reason why these best friends never started to date. The main reason is typically due to timing or location, or they could be involved with someone else. How many times does your best friend send you a signal where you can feel they had been thinking of you? Continue reading
Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?
Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.
Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.
The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading
The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic
If anyone were to ask me what the highlight of my life has been thus far, I would not even need a nanosecond to think about it. It is the easiest question I could ever answer. The most profound moment for me simply was the day I discovered the true power of authenticity. It was the day I discovered me.
Since that day, the quest for authenticity has completely altered my life. Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs, to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have been abandoning the masquerade of living up to the expectations of others and have been exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity. Continue reading
Why Do People Judge Others?
Why do people judge others? Have you ever walked down the street and someone would give you a weird look? Have you ever been in a store and someone would discuss you behind your back?
The reason I feel the need to be bring this up is because I get many calls on a daily basis where a client would tell me how someone has judged them or said something to hurt their feelings.
A week ago I had a caller who was upset, because the person who judged her believed that he can walk on water, and whatever he does in life… he is better than others. I felt bad for my client and I told her that she is better than what this man was telling her. He was trying to push her buttons. I feel when someone puts another person down by judging them, it is because they are trying to make themselves feel better. Continue reading