Near-Death Experiences Teach Us About Living
Near-death experiences have been in the public consciousness for some time now. The experience itself is rather universal across different cultures: a feeling of peace and serenity, as well as a glimpse of the world beyond, before returning to this life. Each of these experiences has a lesson to be learned for those still living, no matter who the survivor may be.
Maybe the most widely reported feeling by those who have had a near-death experience (NDE) is a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. A mundane life may lack these qualities (we think) until a brush with death reminds us why we live, and for whom – ourselves, our loved ones. Additionally, even those who previously said they were not spiritual may find themselves more drawn to the Divine and the mysteries of the Universe following a NDE.
The Spirit Of Trees
As I remember it, the house that I lived in for the first five years of my life was huge. Just a few weeks ago, I took a little trip the that very home. When I drove by, I saw it was for sale. I decided to park in the drive and walk around.
As I made my way to the backyard it was just the same as I remembered it – only much smaller! The trees in the back, dividing the neighbors yard and ours, are still there, as well as the porch that was built off the back of the house. The huge birch tree is also still out front and still alive and well. I looked in the windows and it all seemed pretty much as I remembered it. I have wonderful memories of that home.
I remember growing up around lot of trees and thinking how they were my friends. Trees are indeed our friends. They are a wonderful gift to this planet. Sometimes we sit under them and read a book, take a nap, climb them. And we cut them down and make paper and all kind of things with them, homes, and so forth.
Your Personal Power Of Intuitive Resistance
We are constantly being bombarded with new trends about diets, places to live, what to wear, unique ways of exercising, fashionable holiday destinations. This also includes how and when we should leave this realm… despite our own personal inner beliefs, and our connection to spirit whom ultimately makes all our pertinent decisions based on the soul’s guidance system and truth.
Today, more than ever, with access to the Internet and social media, we are continually exposed to every health expert, fashionista and spiritual guru out there, as well as anyone who believe they can tell us how to decorate our homes, where we should eat when we dine out, how to find a soulmate, and what is the best food for our pets. The list goes on.
How to Discern Between Emotions And Intuitions
Many clients say to me during psychic readings, “I just have this feeling”, or “I don’t know, but something isn’t right.” These are great inquiries, because they are the first steps needed to establish a good working connection with your internal guidance system. Rather than questioning or doubting these feelings, maybe it’s time to tune up your internal guidance to get confirmation and validation for some of these feelings.
When you get upset emotionally about something that has happened in your life, in other words an actual event that occurred in the outer world, which you know really happened and is not imagined, is a different type of feeling compared to an intuition. These feelings have a broad range, from anger, sadness and fear, to joy and bliss. And you usually experience them in response to actual events that happen in your outer world.