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Puppets On The Strings Of Destiny

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is only one way to judge the quality of any psychic reading. The moment you finish your conversation with the reader, you should feel ready to make a choice, prepare for a decision… or at least take some sort of action. You should also have a basic idea or plan outlined for the way forward.

A good psychic reading will leave you feeling inspired, informed, enlightened and ready to take a step forward in your life, for better or worse. But, sadly, this is not always what people want from their psychic readings.

Do you believe that your life path is entirely pre-destined? Some people do. They prefer to see themselves as helpless puppets on a string, hanging around, while fate takes its course. For them the future is firmly carved in stone. Their destiny is pre-determined and their life path non-negotiable. The writing is on the wall. Period.

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Ol’ Boogeyman Still Comin’ To Getcha?

Click here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my line of work there is often an unhealthy obsession with the concept of evil. It appears we are simply not able to rid ourselves of this ‘thing’ we seem to have for the boogeyman (here in my country known as the tokoloshe).

Just the other day I was listening to a radio psychic scaring the living daylights out of his unsuspecting caller. She just wanted some career advice, but instead he was hell-bent on convincing her that her home was infested with evil entities. His charming co-host also jumped in to offer some old-wives’ cures for getting rid of all the demonic forces. Truth be told, the only disturbance I was picking up on was the fact that the poor, freaked out woman would not be getting much sleep for weeks!

Now, don’t get me wrong. The struggle between good and evil is very, very real. It is a fundamental component of the human condition. It is also the basis of all Creation. It stems from the duality found in every important aspect of our expanding Universe: dark versus light, life versus death, night versus day. Light needs the presence of darkness to be truly visible and meaningful. Continue reading

Beyond The Veils Of Illusion

Get a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen a person is fully conscious, he or she is enlightened. As we evolve and our senses respond to a higher frequency, we also respond more ‘faith-fully’ to the light of our soul and to our intuitive abilities.

Enlightenment is freedom from illusion. As we continue to evolve through responsible choices, we contribute to the evolution and enlightenment of all humanity.

As our personality functions in the world, in ways which allow us to gain back ageless wisdom, we begin to recognize illusion and see how it works. We are able to live within the illusion, but not be affected by it. Have you ever noticed how you feel when in the presence of a truly enlightened person?  Amazingly powerful, is it not? Continue reading

Psychic Vampires and Energy Thieves

Visit PsychicAccess.comMany empaths and highly sensitive people believe that some of the individuals they deal with daily are psychic vampires or energy thieves.

I believe this is a myth and a misconception. Yes, I admit, I have felt this way myself on many occasions in the past, until I discovered some truths about the matter. Once the facts were revealed to me, it changed my outlook radically.

It is simply impossible for anyone to drain or ‘steal’ your energy. Believing this to be possible implies that there is a limited source of energy available, which we have to share and compete over. This reeks of lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, the very things that cause so much conflict, rivalry, antagonism, struggle and suffering in the world. Continue reading

Is Your Reality Tunnel Being Hacked?

Visit PsychicAccess.comMany of us know, or at least believe, that we are powerful creators of our own reality and destiny.

Some of us go with the flow, weaving this divine knowledge intuitively into our daily existence, while others prefer to focus on it consciously, in an attempt to shape their lives more proactively.

Whatever your approach is, have you ever considered that while you are busy creating your own reality, you may also be busy creating someone else’s version of it? Have you ever considered that many of us may be shaping a future planned for us, by others?

There has been much debate and speculation in recent years about what ‘reality’ truly is. Many people, who are spiritually aware, need no convincing of these facts, but the jury is still out among the scientific community. Continue reading

Angels and Spirit Guides

Visit PsychicAccess.comI am often asked whether I have spirit guides and angels who support me in my work. I am also asked whether I believe in ghosts and demons. My answers to these questions are both yes, and no.

The existence of non-physical beings has always fascinated mankind. We continue to be intrigued by the presence of spiritual entities from other realms, planes or dimensions.

It is an aspect of our spiritual experience that is often the focal point for much discussion, speculation, debate, and sometimes also controversy and conflict. There are many similarities in the range of experiences and encounters reported. However, there is also much disparity and many contradictions in that which people see and believe.

The most commonly sited encounters include the spirits of family members, who have crossed over, as well as guardian angels, celestial guides, elementals and also extraterrestrial beings. Continue reading

Precognitive Dreams

Visit PsychicAccess.comDid you know that we sometimes dream the future?

Ever had that nagging feeling that you have seen, or experienced, an event or situation before?

I experience this phenomenon on a regular basis, and I use the content of these lucid dreams with great success in my work.

Sometimes I have dreams about significant future events, and I also experience dreams focusing on important issues in the lives of my clients. Of course, it is very useful when I am doing a psychic reading for you and I had a dream about you two nights ago!

Over the years I have learned to distinguish between normal dreams and psychic dreams. In my late teens, I was fortunate to discover the book, An Experiment with Time by J W Dunne, and this helped me a great deal in understanding and mastering the nature of my dreams. Continue reading

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