Crystals & Stones
Crystal Energy Work And Prosperity
Crystals used in spiritual practice can help us manifest many good things in our life. If you’re specifically looking to increase your financial security, wealth and prosperity, or maybe find that perfect job or start that successful business (or even win that lottery ticket), try adding some new prosperity crystals into your daily spiritual practice.
There are many ways you can bring these crystals into your life for financial success. Keeping a few of your favorites in a purse or wallet, or on your desk at work, is the best way to have them close at hand. Traditionally, the southwest corner of a space is associated with prosperity and wealth, so try a bowl filled with your favorite crystals and place it there. Some practitioners prefer to place a collection of these crystals in a prosperity grid. Maybe a piece of jewelry made with some of these crystals?
It’s also important to consider all kinds of wealth and prosperity (good luck, business sense, spirituality, knowledge) and not just material goods when using your crystals. Each of the crystals and stones below has unique abundance properties, so choose the ones most unique and meaningful to your situation.
The main thing to remember in your crystal energy work is your intention. Prosperity is something all of us aspire to, and it’s certainly great to have lots of extra spending money, but we also must remember different kinds of ‘wealth’ exist, especially the wealth of the heart. We must also seek to bless others, so always remember those in need and less fortunate. Wealth and prosperity without love and sharing is meaningless.
Beware The Power Of The Quartz Crystal
I love crystals and stones and have traveled all over the world to retrieve some of these beautiful gems of color and purpose. They carry with them amazing energy and metaphysical healing properties.
I have used crystals and stones very successfully in helping many of my clients rebalance and heal their lives, be it for the purpose of health, love, relationship, career, business, finances, or personal growth. Working with stones can assist you in achieving your goals and fulfilling your needs.
There is however one stone that I respect and revere more than the others, to the extent that I never recommend it as a ‘quick-fix’ remedy to others. This precious mineral is the pure quartz crystal. It is a very powerful energy conductor that essentially has a ‘mind of its own.’ It has no compassion, just purpose. Its energy is very direct.
The clear quartz is a stone that needs to be used to do a specific job of goodwill or serve a benevolent purpose, because it can magnify energies as much as tenfold and even higher. It must be used with great respect, for it can be harmful and even dangerous if used carelessly.
A clear quartz crystal casually worn as jewelry, for example, amplifies your mood and personality. If you are at peace with yourself and the world, and in a happy place, you will experience even more joy and happiness, and also spread it to everyone around you. But if you are angry, anxious, or depressed, the exact opposite will be true.
In other words, a little road rage, for example, could escalate to a disastrous scenario if you happen to be wearing a quartz crystal pendant. Oh my, things could get very bad! I therefore do not recommend people wear quartz crystals as everyday jewelry, because even the slightest shift in mood or emotional reaction could create havoc and derail the wearer’s day.
Energy Work With Crystals And Stones
Crystals and gemstones are a powerful means of channeling energies and reinforcing manifestation intentions. The energy frequency of some crystals can attract love, romance, abundance and prosperity, while others promote good health, mental clarity, inner peace and letting go of limiting beliefs.
Learning how to use crystals and tune in with their energy vibrations can enrich your daily spiritual practice and give your manifesting efforts a substantial boost.
But is crucial to keep in mind that the energy effects of crystals and stones work in subtle and nuanced ways. They are not decisive metaphysical tools that will instantly transform your life from one day to the next. They are not miraculous; they are just accomplices on your journey.
How do they work? Each crystal or stone has its own magical essence or metaphysical power that arises from its particular energy frequency. This unique energy signature is determined by its molecular composition and crystalline structure.
A simple way to get started with crystal work is to classify the metaphysical properties of minerals and stones by their color. This will help you quickly identify the ideal stones for a particular purpose and effectively use them in your day-to-day life. But, of course, keep in mind that this is only a classification in general terms.
Yellow: energy, success, improvement, joy.
Blue: water, healing, communication, inspiration, calm.
Cleansing Your Crystals
If you regularly use crystals in your spiritual practice, it is vital to have a regular cleansing routine for them to work at optimal levels.
Crystal energy work uses the subtle energy vibration emitted by a crystal, for example to rebalance the human aura or energy field for mind-body-soul health and wellness.
Crystals have a vibrational frequency based on its geometric structure giving each crystal a unique default wavelength known as its oscillatory frequency or its ‘energy signature.’ It is a stable energy emission that is applied to rebalance and heal our own energies.
The human body also has its own oscillatory rate or energy frequency, but our vibration is constantly shifting and changing due to various internal and external factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, mood states, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, relationships and our environment.
The difference between the energy frequency of humans and crystals is that while ours fluctuates and is constantly changing, the vibration of a crystal in its natural state remains constant, stable and unchanging. It is like the factory settings on a brand new computer.
However, like a computer or the human body, crystals can also become contaminated with negative energies, much like viruses or malware. For our healing crystals to continue working the way nature intended, it is important to cleanse them properly or a regular basis.
Some practitioners cleanse their crystals and stones after each session, and this is not a bad idea, considering we expose them to all kinds of energies, no matter how unintentional, every time we handle them. Think of how many smudges and smears you create on your phone screen or glasses every time you use them and then imagine what the many energy imprints your crystals must endure with regular use.