Crystals & Stones
Ritual For Manifesting Your Every Desire
I recommend the following ritual for manifesting your every desire. The ritual is designed to create your intent, infuse it with power and then allow the Universe to bring a specific request, outcome, goal or dream into being.
- 2 votive candles: 1 purple, 1 color of intent (see below)
- Intent incense (see below)
- Stone of intent (see below)
- Manifestation journal or notebook, and pen
- Bell
Intent Candles, Incense, and Stones
- Love: Pink Candle, Rose Incense, Rose or Clear Quartz
- Money: Green Candle, Amber Incense, Jade or Emerald
- Health: Yellow Candle, Rain Incense, Tiger’s Eye or Amber
- Career: Indigo Candle, Sage Incense, Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli
- Spiritual: Purple Candle, Lavender Incense, Opal or Moonstone
- Protection: Orange Candle, Jasmine Incense, Amethyst
- Other: Red Candle, Patchouli Incense, Obsidian or Jet Continue reading
Reclaiming Your Power When A Relationship Ends
One of the main reasons it is so painful to release someone when a relationship ends, is because we have usually invested so much of our time and energy in our connection with that person. In essence, what we are truly missing when we mourn a relationship are parts of our self that we have given away. What we are mourning is the loss of our hopes and dreams, not merely the presence of the person who is no longer in our life.
If this is something you are currently struggling with, I recommend the following ritual designed to help you reclaim your power after a relationship break-up, so that you can restore your inner wholeness and resume your search for true and enduring love.
- 3 votive candles: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
- 1 aqua marine or clear quartz crystal
- rain or sage incense wand
- small mirror
- 3 copper pennies
- 2 tbsp of fresh or dried mint in a small bowl
- 2 tbsp sea salt
How To Use Crystals In Your Life
Stones and crystals have been sought after throughout human history, especially for the making of jewelry, amulets and ornaments. Many cultures also used them for healing purposes. The Egyptians, Sumerians, and Mayans are especially known for using crystals and stones in their healing rituals. Today these ancient traditions are regarded as pseudoscience.
Interestingly, the crystal structure is the basis of one of the biggest technological advances in the last 50 years. That technological advance is the microchip.
Some scientists attribute the healing potential of crystals to the placebo effect. Yet, despite the mainstream notion that there cannot be any scientific basis to the healing effect of crystals, the metaphysical community remains obsessed with the use of crystals and stones for healing and spiritual purposes.
The metaphysical use of crystals and stones has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is not appearing to slow down. Many are drawn to the touch, to the color, and to their properties. Rose quartz heals the heart. Amethyst calms. Citrine improves finances. Black tourmaline releases negative emotions and protects.
In my experience crystals really do have the ability to heal. They uplift people. They connect with us. Crystals heal and transform the environment.
Drinking Crystal-Charged Water
Drinking crystal-powered water is a must for anyone doing any kind of healing work. It is a great way to boost your immune and nervous systems, clear your mind of negative thoughts, increase your intuition and raise your vibration.
So, how does it work? First, you want to select a crystal that resonates with you. Keep in mind that each crystal and stone has a different metaphysical meaning, quality, energy and vibration.
Quartz crystal is the most powerful for healing work.
Rose quartz and green stones, like Malachite and Aventurine, helps with healing heartbreaks and emotional loss.
Amethyst is good for raising your vibrational and increasing your intuitive ability.
Carnelian is good for giving you a creative boost.
Citrine helps with finding your inner wisdom, will power and healing your childhood wounds.
Red Jasper and Bloodstone are great for releasing fear and anxiety.
Lapis Lazuli is great for helping you be a more effective communicator. It is a great elixir to drink right before giving a speech or having an important meeting.
Daily Energy Cleansing With Epsom Salts
I love to take baths. I can remember enjoying a good bath as far back as far as my early teens. I have always loved the way it relaxes me – mind, body and soul. For the past 15 years I have been adding Epsom salts and essential oils to my baths. It’s not only relaxing and soothing on all levels, but it helps me to quiet my mind and allow anything that is not serving me to seep out… down into the drain.
My favorite time to take a bath is after a day of doing psychic readings. Being an empath I think it is super smart to take daily Epsom salt baths. Empaths tend to absorb energy from others and it can weigh us down. Baths with salts helps us to detach and connect with our own energy, and let go of any drama and chaos that may have attached itself to us.
I do energy cleansing visualizations while taking my baths and it has become my daily energy cleansing ritual. The salt cleanses me from any negative energy that may have attached itself to me. I can step out of the bath feeling lighter, energetically recharged, and renewed.
Talismans, Amulets And Charms
In preparation for a move, I am packing up smaller items and have become aware of the many talismans, amulets and charms (including the ones on my charm bracelet), which have either been given to me as gifts, or which I have collected myself over the years.
Occasionally, when intuition prompts me to do so, I include some of them in my set of ‘bones’ – tokens if you like which are thrown as a means of divination in my readings. They each have a specific meaning and evoke certain feelings, all helpful when adding detail a customer is looking for in a reading.
Amulets are similar to talismans in that they are made to protect, or to attract. Amulets are used more for general energetic work, whereas talismans are used for very specific purposes.
A charm brings luck to the owner. A particular gemstone may literally ‘speak’ to you to please carry it, and it will serve as your helper to attract luck, give you protection and help you energetically.
Because talismans are intended to provide power, energy, and special benefits, they are often made at certain times believed to be spiritually or astrologically significant. They are frequently made from stone, metal, or parchment, as these substances can easily be inscribed with words or pictures to add additional power.