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Psychic Phenomena

Dealing With Complex Energies In One Reading

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When psychic does a reading we often pick up on more than one energy, because our spirit guides work in many directions at the same time. Sometimes all these energies can sometimes make a psychic reading very complex.

For example, in a reading I may pick up on the energy of three people at the same time – all of them associated with the situation in a different way. The first person may be a female who is very shy. She has a crush on someone and she is very nervous around this person. She is scared and nervous about talking to this man. She had been on dates before in the past and she had been hurt a lot, so it is hard for her to start a conversation.

When I shift to the man’s energy I might sense that his energy level is very calm and he had a good day, and he was relaxing. So, now I am dealing with two types of energy levels – one at peace and the other very nervous. Continue reading

Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part Three

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are different types of dreams one can encounter on any given night. From my own experience and study over the past 30 years, and just learning all I can about dreams, I have found the most exciting type of dream are the prophetic ones. I also love lucid dreaming and the wandering dreams.

Prophetic Dreams

These dreams are so great! It’s your own psychic pathway for getting prophetic messages about your life – be it love life, career, or health. Anything you want to know you can know through your dreams. You can just ask your higher self to bring to you in this healing dream time any messages you need to know, whatever it may be. These messages may even be brought by a loved one. It may let you see the future or how a certain event will take place, or basically whatever you want to know. Continue reading

Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part Two

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comContinued from: Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part One

Are you one of those people who just don’t remember your dreams, or believe you just don’t dream. Well, I have good news for you. You are definitely dreaming you just need to know the tools to remember them. I will share those with you in this blog!

Here are a few things you can do to help you remember your dreams, so you can record them and get the most out of your life. Dreams help make that possible so here are the tools so you can start restoring balance to your life and gaining greater spiritual awareness and enlightenment. Continue reading

Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part One

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is so important to keep a dream journal! Some people truly believe that our dreams are nothing more than things we have experienced throughout are day, or just mental wanderings. But dreams are much more than all of that.

In my professional experience dreams are an in-between state between the material realm and the spiritual realm – be it heaven or the other side. It is a place where we can get connected with truth and the light to keep our souls in alignment.

I believe we would all go insane to one degree or another if we didn’t dream or astral travel for a long period of time. That could be why people who don’t get enough sleep sometimes seem so disconnected from that divine spark inside of them. They also get depressed, stressed and their health suffers. Continue reading

Angels From Heaven And Earth

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have met many people in my day that I could have bet my life were angels. They came in at just the right time. It would be a message or a sign; something to just direct me in a way so that I could stay on course.

Whenever I ask God to give me a sign, these people, or shall I say ‘angels’ appear in my life. It would sometimes be nothing more than a casual conversation in an isle at the grocery store, or at the library – random communication with strangers. I these memorable moments I always get a message that answers questions to things I need to know from the Universe.

I have always known that when we are connected to the Light, or the Divine, God works through everyone to helps us all stay in tune, or on a higher frequency. If we listen, and if we are truly aware, we will never be misled on our journey on this planet. Continue reading

Finding Personal Guidance In Symbolic Dreams

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are times when our dream life seems to be super active, and yet at other times not so much. I’ve found there to be a direct correlation between how much a person ‘participates’ in their own life and how active their dreams can be. In other words, we must make our own dreams happen in this life!

There are dreams that foretell the future, and you are really lucky if you have these types of dreams. If you trust your intuition they can be especially powerful, because you can use the knowledge shown to you in such dreams to your advantage, or at least for your protection.  These dreams sometimes also give the dreamer a time frame for when something is supposed to happen. Then there are dreams that are more symbolic. These dreams represent something happening in our lives, or the lives of someone close to us. They too can give you direction, but more about how to handle what is going on, or if you are moving in the right direction. Continue reading

Paranormal Encounters At The Old White House

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor some time my wife and I had been looking for a new home. Being psychic has always been helpful when one goes house hunting. Growing up in haunted home, I am always very cautious about the properties we consider. Experience has taught me that it is not always the house itself that is haunted – it can also be the land that the house is built on.

Currently we live in the countryside. Yes, we do have one traffic light, and yes, we do have a chicken stand. We wanted to look for something that would offer us a brand new beginning. We have gone through many realtors, of whom none had the patience  for us to find the right house.

My wife eventually found a lady named Alice, from another town. When we met her, we told her we wanted a good size house with some land and an outbuilding to run a small business. I told Alice that I did psychic readings and when I walk into a house I could pick up on any spiritual energy that may be present. Our new realtor thought it cool that I had psychic gifts, and I told her it does help when looking for a house. Continue reading

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