Finding Personal Guidance In Symbolic Dreams
There are times when our dream life seems to be super active, and yet at other times not so much. I’ve found there to be a direct correlation between how much a person ‘participates’ in their own life and how active their dreams can be. In other words, we must make our own dreams happen in this life!
There are dreams that foretell the future, and you are really lucky if you have these types of dreams. If you trust your intuition they can be especially powerful, because you can use the knowledge shown to you in such dreams to your advantage, or at least for your protection. These dreams sometimes also give the dreamer a time frame for when something is supposed to happen. Then there are dreams that are more symbolic. These dreams represent something happening in our lives, or the lives of someone close to us. They too can give you direction, but more about how to handle what is going on, or if you are moving in the right direction.
They say dreams are the windows of the soul–take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts ~ Henry Bromel
For example, I’m currently looking to buy a car. I decided to first see what I like and the financing I would qualify for, and I did it all the other day using the magic of the Internet. I found one I really like, and at an excellent price too. To my surprise I could actually qualify for the car of my dreams, and a pretty decent deal at that! But I’m not quite ready to do anything yet; I want to wait for another month or two before I do anything concrete.
I also had a dream that night. In the dream I drove to a casino and parked on the first level in spot number “6”. I went upstairs and when I came back, I couldn’t find the car I arrived with. In fact, I couldn’t even remember what car I had driven to begin with. Then a character from my favorite television soap opera – one who is always saving some person or another – came and said, “Oh here is your car right over here!” But the car I then saw was not the car I am looking to buy. Instead it was my neighbor’s ugly, old white truck that I look at every day out of my front window!
Now, you may want to ask: what does this dream really mean? I believe it tells me I am going in the right direction; I am in the right space, I just don’t have the right vehicle yet. Plain and simple, really. The fact that my favorite ‘hunk’ from a soap opera came and told me I was looking in the right place is an added bonus, and since he came along and helped me out, so much the better.
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours ~ Henry David Thoreau
The number 6 represents “love”, so I know that once I make my choice I will get a good deal. The fact that I saw my neighbor’s van represents what I do every day since. For example, as I type this I’ve been sitting here looking out my front window at that ugly truck for six hours already and the day isn’t even half over!
Look for small things to mean big things in your dreams. It’s kind of like learning to read the Tarot. It’s sometimes the smallest of things that have the biggest meanings in the Tarot cards. But that’s for another blog and another day. Until that time, keep your dreams alive while you sleep, by going after them with everything you have during your waking times.
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