soul energy
Shamanic Healing For Chronic Illness
When treating chronic illnesses, such as depression or pain, we too often look only at the symptoms, and not the root cause. The fact is, most if not all of these conditions have at their foundation some form of loss: the loss of sensation, loss of control, or the fear of loss. For this reason shamanic medicine can be quite effective as a form of treatment.
Shamanism, the connection between the physical world and the spirit realms, is all about connections. As we look closer at chronic illness, we find that much of it is caused by a lack of connection: to our authentic selves, to our spirit guides, to nature, and to our intuition. This is whey shamanic healing can be of great value.
For thousands of years, before the emergence of modern medical practices, shamans were the healers and diviners of the community. Fortunately, their practice is as strong today as it was then.
A trained shaman is able to determine which type of healing we may need: soul loss or retrieval (often through past-life work), spiritual retrieval (a power animal, angel, or other spirit guide), or reconnection to the earth and spiritual realms. There are shamans with different specialties, just as we have physicians with different areas of practice. Continue reading
Spirit Is Always With You
How do you connect with the spirit inside of you? Ponder this question for a moment. Then shut your eyes, breathe deeply three times… and ponder this question again.
Spirit is always inside of you. It does not take a time out to go get a coffee, or have a nap. Spirit simply is a part of you that never dies. When you close your eyes and simply breathe, you will feel lighter. That is spirit trying to be more prominent than the ego. Spirit never causes stress, discomfort, unease or negativity. Spirit is pure 100% unconditional love, and every person has this inside of them.
However, as you move forward in life, ego will always try to override spirit, whether in decision-making or choices that are important (or simple). Ego can create discomfort, doubt, fear and the wrong type of attitude to live a spirit-filled, love-filled life.
How do you change these patterns? At least once a day, simply sit, breathe slowly, eyes closed, hands on lap. No parts of your body should be crossed, i.e. legs, arms or hands. Now feel the essence of your true spirit flowing in your body and around your soul. Feel the essence of goodness that comes to you from this energy. Continue reading
Our Lives Between Lives
We have all had countless past lives, whether we know it or not. Our souls are continually reborn into a new body. And chances are we’ll remember bits and pieces of each past life, as we learn life lessons in each existence.
But what happens to us between each death and rebirth? Are we stuck in some sort of cosmic waiting room, just sitting there and wondering who we’ll become next? No one knows with absolute certainty, but many of those who have experienced near-death events report that reincarnation is very real.
The soul, our purest essence, is continually evolving, learning and taking valuable lessons from each existence, no matter how long we remain here on Earth. But the soul itself never dies. It exists outside of time and space and receives a new body after we pass from a previous life. Many spiritual traditions in the world agree upon this basic idea. Continue reading
When Your Child Is Your Spiritual Coach
Coming from a family who never communicated their personal feelings, I learned a lot about the importance of communication between age groups in my early teens, when I was sent to live with a Dutch family with three children for several months.
I always admired their closeness, but it wasn’t until I actually moved in with them, that I realized just how far their caring and sharing went towards feeling part of such a close knit family. They prayed together too, and included me, always asking for healing for my mother who was having treatment at the time for her ‘nervous condition.’
In later years, as a recovering alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), I would often hear the expression, “A family that prays together, stays together.” I am sure this family has stayed close all these years, even though we have lost touch. Continue reading
Do You See Dead People?
That is one of the first things I ask people that take my psychic development class. When I first started my professional career as a psychic medium, people often asked me the same question. I used to be a little reluctant to answer.
Now, my quick reply is simply, “Why, yes I do.” Even though I am a medium, when they sometime appear in a place I’m not expecting the pleasure of their company, it can still startle me. My first reaction is to simply ask spirit what they would like me to know? Am I simply invading their space? It is my experience that spirit will try to get our attention in various ways. Continue reading