Letting Go Allows Miracles To Happen
We tend to hold onto things and people which no longer serve us. Fear keeps us attached, as well as that comfortable feeling of the familiar.
Some people hang onto other people for dear life, even though they treated them badly, because they do not feel they are good enough for anyone else. Some people hang onto material things, because to let it go would diminish their self-worth or comfort zone by some means.
This was a hard lesson that I had to learn and overcome myself. Three years ago, I had my father’s house up for sale. It had been on the market for over a year and did not even attract one offer. Later, I realized that this had happened because I was not ready to let it go at the time. My energy was preventing anyone, who might have been interested, from going near the house to even look at it, let alone make an offer. Continue reading
The Everyday Miracle Of Everywhere Magic
Seeing the world through glittering eyes is no longer a walk in the park for the spiritual optimist. There is such a lack of awe these days; so little wonder.
Our society has successfully stripped itself of most of its metaphysical marvels. Yet, magic prevails everywhere for those who still seek to find it. Despite our cynical age of scientific skepticism, techno-futurism and neo-draconian politics, the mystical and miraculous continues to endure in the hearts and minds of those who choose to believe.
I have seen evidence of this everyday magic in my work with many people all over the world, as well as upon many of my travels. I have known it in the devoted spiritual practices and manifesting projects of my clients. I have observed it in the heroic metaphysical endeavors and healing miracles of my colleagues. And I have even witnessed it at almost every birthday party I have ever attended. Yes, most of us have at some point in our lives whispered a silent wish over the candles on a cake! Continue reading
Thinking Of Yourself Less Often
The very first, and rather touching description of humility that I ever heard was during my earliest days of following a Twelve Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I was read out by a man with 16 years of sobriety:
Humility is perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore. To wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised, it is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness when all around and about is seeming trouble.
My mentor in that program told me to try kneeling in prayer. She told me this humbling posture would strengthen my intention of any prayer I was reciting. Continue reading
Release Yourself From Past Life Patterns
A few days ago my good friend Tom, whom I have known for a couple of years now, popped over for a visit – as he tends to do every now and again. Tom is quite smart and generally an all around nice, helpful person.
During the course of our conversations, Tom commented on the fact that although he is well into his 60’s now, his life has been somewhat dull and uneventful. He cannot understand why things for him appear to be always so bland and unexciting.
After a few probing questions on my part it soon became apparent that Tom had never really established any goals for himself and did not have any particular vision in mind for his future. There was never any thought of wealth or riches, aside from the fact he shared the hope of many of one day winning a lottery. He is just one of those individuals who believe that somehow the world would open up for him and life would take on a whole new meaning without any input from him. Continue reading
Psychic Attack A Wake-Up Call
I recently found myself experiencing the most intense, hectic dreams and unusual symptoms. I became very concerned about what was going on. Physically, I was feeling awful, although I had no underlying health condition. I was experiencing headaches, and literally felt as if I had been beaten up. Any kind of concentration eluded me, but I did manage to do a reading for myself.
I don’t generally read for myself, for fear of reading too much into a situation. However, this reading revealed to me that I had been under psychic attack for several days!
It didn’t really matter to me from where such an attack might be coming from. It was also not important to me that such negativity ultimately will return to the sender with a vengeance. I just wanted to clear it. My only concern was to immediately restore powerful psychic protection around me, and to be sure that I never again forget to maintain regular psychic protection for myself. Continue reading
Engaging The Angels In Your Forgiveness Work
Anyone can call on the angels to help them in any situation. Carl Jung called the angels, “The thoughts of God.” You do not have to belong to a specific religion or denomination to ask the angels for assistance and guidance. They are unconditional love manifested into form and can help us through all our challenges.
One thing that I have found useful on my own journey of forgiveness is to engage the angels in my own forgiveness work.
Try this brief invocation to ask the angels for guidance on your healing journey:
Holy Mother, Holy Father God, Light and Love of the Universe, I ask today for assistance with my path. I ask for the angels to surround me and fill me with the light of truth.
Romancing The Colors
Color therapy is a well-established practice when it comes to putting right what could be wrong in our lives – be it emotional or physical. The ways in which we can make use of color are broad and varied.
For example, we can wear color in our clothes and jewelry, burn gorgeous colored candles, cook beautifully colored foods, work with color while meditating and even bathe in color when we so wish.
Color therapy can also be beneficially applied in our romantic life. So, whether your are single or in a relationship, why not consider applying a little color therapy magic to your romantic life?
Maybe you currently feel you are never going to meet your soulmate. Are you afraid of history repeating itself and think that you may never, ever find ‘the one?’ Or maybe you feel you may have found your soulmate, but you are not exactly sure about this. Or maybe you would just like more passion and commitment in your life? Color therapy could play a significant part in bringing your romantic hopes and desires to fruition. Continue reading