Can Loved Ones Warn Us Of An Early Departure?
Many people believe that we come onto the planet at a particular time and arrive at a particular place of our own choosing. There are diverse theories as to the accuracy of this idea, but let us pretend for a minute that it is a spiritual truth. Would it not then follow that we also choose when we will leave this earthly plane and where we will leave it from?
If this is the case, would we not also know when we are preparing to leave? Do we know before our own moment arrives? We may have a loved one be away on a trip when a fatal accident occurs. That would certainly prevent us from having the opportunity of saying our final goodbye. Others might have a long lingering illness before finally succumbing, but at least those remaining behind could endeavor to prepare for the grieving process that inevitably will ensue. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 6 of 7) – Love
When it comes to near-death and shared-death experiences, they may have different qualities to them for different people. It is clear that the experiences we have in this life do influence the experience we have when we transition into the next.
I believe that the reason for these differing experiences is to make our transition into the next life as gentle and meaningful as possible. Spirit orchestrates the passing experience in such a way that it is as unique as the person that is transitioning.
There are some cultural and ancestral qualities that are fairly consistent in the individuals experiencing the transition. For example, if you have a specific religious icon that is meaningful to you, it is very likely that will be a part of your transition experience. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 5 of 7) – Mediumship
Mediumship is the term used for spirit communication and is distinctly related to connecting to the spiritual essence of loved ones that have passed on. Throughout history, this label has been relegated to specific individuals called mediums, and the primary source of messages come through channeling or other experiences. However, the practice of mediumship can also be an individual or private practice.
Spirit is the transcendent force that unites all things, and it is this interconnected nature that allows us to connect with God, angels, spirit guides, and even loved ones that have transitioned into the realm beyond. It is through this innate connection that authentic psychic mediums gather information and channel it for their clients. However, it is important to understand that every human being on this planet has the capability to do this on their own as well. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 4 of 7) – Afterlife Language
The language of the Afterlife, and of Heaven, is much different from the languages we use on Earth. I have shared in the earlier parts of this series my own personal experiences of Heaven. One quandary that I have personally had with these experiences is that the dynamic of the “afterlife” experience was not the same for each person experiencing the transition.
In the four most profound visionary experiences I had, three of which I shared in previous posts, the experiences were profoundly different. In my near-death experience (NDE) I felt a sense of transcendence, and also had a cosmic experience. My father transitioned in what could be considered an average “Christian” transition. Jesus was there, as well as family and friends as far as the eye could see. I mentioned a third person as well, who had committed suicide. In this experience he was actually trying to get away, but angels blocked his path. Continue reading