Finding A Psychic You Can Trust
As a psychic it is not easy to find the right psychic to read for me. Like many psychics, I can do readings for others, but I can’t read for myself. But trying to find the right psychic for me is like buying a car or a house – it is a process and a challenge!
Just like a house or a car, you look for a psychic who offers you certain special features that will suit your unique needs. There are so many psychics out there, who do you choose from?
When I was younger I needed the guidance of a good psychic from time to time for my love life. This was before the Internet. I remember deciding to take a bike ride on my 18x speed to find a psychic. Along the way I noticed a lady was moving in to a new psychic store, and she already had her sign out, before she was completely moved in. So, I decided to stop and talk to her, and she seemed really nice. Continue reading
Why Do People Judge Others?
Why do people judge others? Have you ever walked down the street and someone would give you a weird look? Have you ever been in a store and someone would discuss you behind your back?
The reason I feel the need to be bring this up is because I get many calls on a daily basis where a client would tell me how someone has judged them or said something to hurt their feelings.
A week ago I had a caller who was upset, because the person who judged her believed that he can walk on water, and whatever he does in life… he is better than others. I felt bad for my client and I told her that she is better than what this man was telling her. He was trying to push her buttons. I feel when someone puts another person down by judging them, it is because they are trying to make themselves feel better. Continue reading
The Haunted Furniture
When I met my wife and we started to date, I had a hard time to open up to her to tell her I do psychic readings.
Ironically, there was a psychic lady who lived about four miles down the road who told her she was going to meet someone who lives nearby, that he also does psychic readings and that we were going to get married. She told her several other things too. She said this man you will meet went to the same high school, you have a past work connection with his family and he will one day help your sister in a time of need.
A year after we got married, we discovered that my wife used to work for my cousin Charley and that her brother is the supervisor at the same workplace. So, later that night I called my cousin and he confirmed all of it for us. Continue reading
The Psychic Well
The Psychic Well is where I go, or where I am sent to, every time I do a reading. I also go there when I do Reiki, when I write an article, or when I write a poem. The Psychic Well runs deeper than you may ever believe, and I include myself in that concept, because of what happens each time I go there.
As a Tarot card reader using Numerology, Astrology, auras and deep intuition, there are always days you don’t think you have any wisdom left to share. You feel as if you have no more empathy with which to feel another’s pain, because just as with any profession, you can suffer burnout.
Psychic burnout can be crippling for a healer, psychic reader or spiritualist medium. You can become almost paralyzed by it. You want to work, because it’s what you are meant to do. You want to write, because that’s all you know how to do. But you are unable to do either. The Psychic Well beckons you, but you have no energy to make it there. Continue reading