psychic development
Simple Scrying
Clients who visit me for private sittings often appear to be fascinated by my crystal ball, which always sits on a stand to the left of me as I work. With the help of my lovely crystal ball and a selection of divination cards, including the Tarot, I get assistance from spirit and my Ancestors in the form of symbols and letters.
Crystal-gazing, known as crystallomancy is a popular form of scrying. Crystal balls were known to be used in Europe way back in the 1500s, but historians also mention them being used at some time or other by many other cultures of the world. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 1 of 7) – Death
A question that has been on the minds of humans since they were able to contemplate their own mortality is, “What happens when we die?”
Spiritual and religious traditions give many answers to this particular quandary. There are contemplations about a heaven, or a place of bliss that exists after we die. Or maybe a hell, based on our actions in this lifetime, or our adherence to a particular religious system. Still other philosophies identify a reincarnation cycle that is associated with the human experience of life and death.
In this series I will be discussing my personal viewpoints about the subject, and why I have over the course of my life come to these conclusions. At a young age I had a near-death experience, and it was this particular experience that set me on the course to becoming an intuitive. Continue reading
Creating Your Own Psychic Development Group
More and more spiritual seekers seem to be interested in joining forces with like-minded people these days. Some of my clients have expressed their interest in being part of a psychic development group, but they actually don’t know where to begin looking for such a gathering of souls.
The people I speak to come from all over the world, and so, it’s not that straightforward to recommend institutions or classes known to me. So, my suggestion is often, if you can’t find a suitable group in your area, why not start your own? A good way to start is with a few people and meet on a regular basis. Here you will be able to share your gifts and interests. Continue reading
Liberty And Psychic Connection For All
I have been doing psychic readings for many years, and the one thing I am absolutely confident of is that all human beings have psychic or intuitive potential. This always brings up the question, “If all people are psychic, why would anyone need to go to a psychic?”
The best way to answer this question is to understand that there are three types of individuals that go to psychics.
The first type of individual goes to a psychic because they have insecurity about the future. This is certainly a valid reason to get a psychic reading, and those of us who are career psychics are certainly here to help these individuals. This type of individual finds inspiration and security in knowing what the future holds, but are often out of touch with their own intuitive gifts. Continue reading
Growing Up Psychic – Part 1
I was born into a psychic family who lived in a haunted home. I was unaware of this at first and knew nothing about mediumship, clairvoyance or the supernatural. But the quest for answers began at a young age. It was inevitable, since there was a lot of paranormal activity in our house and I had a natural curiosity about all things paranormal.
I didn’t know at the time about being gifted or communicating with ghost or spirits, but I did notice whenever I went over to a friend’s house that I could feel a difference in the energy at his house. It was nothing like what I experienced at my parents’ house. And when I went to both grandparents’ homes I could feel that something was trying to communicate with me there. It was the same in church and at my school. Continue reading