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Get Yourself Connected By Reconnecting With You

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDo you sometimes feel disconnected? Is the world you live in too much to handle some days? Do you have a billion things running through your mind? Do you have this voice that is telling you that you’re not smart enough, or attractive enough, or successful enough? Do you constantly compare yourself to others?

You are not alone.

Social media has certainly done a great job of not only connecting us with friends and family we haven’t seen for years, since the high school prom, college graduation or a grandparent’s funeral. But, it also has done a fine job of making us feel utterly Dis-connected. And it can sabotage our self-realization. Continue reading

Not A People Person Or Pleaser, And It’s Okay!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have had clients tell me that they feel something is wrong with them, because they don’t like to be around people. They prefer solitude. Others feel disconnected when around people, or it makes them feel smothered. People make them feel drained, or they feel out of their element.

If you are someone that does not like to be around people, or feels a sense of disconnect when in large groups, or even just engaging with others, fear not! I have some very good news to share with you.

It is my hope and prayer that this information will help you to stop being so hard on yourself when it comes to your social preferences. You do not need to feel guilty for not wanting to slap on a “happy face” and pretend to be someone you are not. Continue reading

Paranormal, Or Perinormal?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost of us hear the word “paranormal” and a whole host of concepts might come to mind: ghosts, extra-sensory perception (ESP), creatures like Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster. A good many of us might even have experienced a paranormal phenomenon or two in our lives. But what exactly is paranormal? The answer might surprise you, as will its related cousin, the term “perinormal.”

“Paranormal” comes from the Greek word meaning “outside.” Thus, “outside of what is normal.” On the other hand, “perinormal” takes its root from the word meaning “close to.” So, the term “perinormal” might apply to almost every living person today. Continue reading

Embrace Who You Are

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all came to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just like no one on the planet has the same fingerprint as you, they also do not have the same talent, voice or look. Sure, some may come close, but the entirety of a person, their personality and so on, is completely different from one to the other.

I feel saddened when I see young people copying one another. Why they do this is uncertain to me, however I’m sure they want to fit in or be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. There are also adults who do this. I asked one girl who was mimicking her friend recently, why would you want to be a photo copy of someone else? You’re beautiful and you have a lovely voice, and you are a very talented artist. She looked at me and said: “Oh my goodness, you’re so right!” I told her that each person came to this planet to share their light in their own unique way, no matter what your personal qualities and talents may be. Continue reading

Living In A State Of Transcendence

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.

Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf anyone were to ask me what the highlight of my life has been thus far, I would not even need a nanosecond to think about it. It is the easiest question I could ever answer. The most profound moment for me simply was the day I discovered the true power of authenticity. It was the day I discovered me.

Since that day, the quest for authenticity has completely altered my life. Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs, to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have been abandoning the masquerade  of living up to the expectations of others and have been exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity. Continue reading

You Need Some Pop-up Preparedness

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLife happens, therefore pop-ups happen to. What is a ‘pop up’? Well, a pop-up is something unforeseen that occurs to put a snare or trip you up in a negative way. It is a term I have invented for lack of a better one. I feel it’s a gentler way of describing those negative things that tend to pop-up during the course of our life that set us back in some way.

A family may have planned a very special time together, for example, and they had looked forward to it and patiently awaited that very enjoyable event. Then the phone rings and one of the parents has to go and tend to a new priority, and the child is left wondering what happened.

Well, what do we do in today’s world, where we live by the cell phones and  social networking websites, and our friends’ and other people’s needs and desires, while putting those that we are supposed to treasure the most and love the most on the ‘back burner’. In the process our most intimate relationships suffer. Some of us just don’t know how to say no to those pop-ups! Continue reading

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