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group mentality

Always Be True To Who You Really Are

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe should all take the time to visit a nursing home or a senior’s retirement village, and speak to the residents. It can be a life-changing experience. Recently, I have had the opportunity to speak to several seniors and one of the questions I asked them was, “If you had your life to live again, what would you do differently?”

Some said they would change nothing, as they had family, friends and lots of love in their lives. They also knew the true joy of being in the moment, and how laughter was the healer of most wounds in relationships, and otherwise. However, the vast majority responded that they would have been more true to themselves. These seniors told me they would have followed the original path placed in their soul, instead of living for what someone else wanted, or what someone else thought they should be. Continue reading

Group Consciousness

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all different. Each person is a piece of the puzzle that creates a group. All people are raised different. People may have different spiritual beliefs, different educational backgrounds, jobs, nationalities. Yet, if the common goal is the same, there is no reason why we cannot achieve much more in our world. Some of us simply need to find a way to respect diversity.

Spiritual groups tend to be the especially challenging when it comes to diversity. Too often spiritually-minded people are expected to always agree with everyone about everything, in order to promote goodwill among group members and keep the peace. But in any group people have to learn how to agree to disagree. It’s always okay to have your own opinion and express how you feel. One must just remember that not all of the group may agree with your thoughts. Continue reading

The Courage To Live And Let Live

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe only way we are really going to make the future work is by allowing others to do their ‘own thing’ in their own way. Our future survival and evolution as a species will not be found in sameness, alikeness, similarity, or coercion. Instead, we must build a new global civilization based on expanding diversity, variety, assortment and multiplicity. Yet, there is one fundamental condition – for it to be successful it must be achieved in harmony with others and our planet.

From the perspective of the old mainstream view of our world, such a future world of unhindered diversity appears quite impossible and non-sensical, because that would mean that everybody does their own thing in their own way. And that seems really counter-intuitive… even dangerous. A disaster waiting to happen!

History has taught us that individuals doing things their ‘own way’ eventually manifests itself as selfishness, greed, creed, personal preference, chauvinism, dogma and ego-centered beliefs – which has caused most of our wars, the establishment of our borders, the separation between the rulers and subjects, and the division between rich and poor. Continue reading

It Is Well With My Soul, Says Prince

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my career I have done the odd emergency psychic reading at 3am in the morning for a celebrity, or two. However, I never divulge the details of conversations, interactions or communications I have had with celebrities or prominent public figures.

I think being an ethical, professional psychic, and a good friend, involves being discreet and reliable – that is after all how trust is built. I personally know how important privacy is for one’s peace of mind, and I therefore honor other people’s privacy too.

Yes, I am a spiritual advisor, counselor and psychic reader, but mostly I am a friend. The best way to have a friend is to be one, and to be a true friend involves respect and trust. Whether they’re famous, or not, what I share with my clients remains confidential. Continue reading

What If Cows Were Green And Grass Was Orange?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy father was color blind, and consequently all my brothers and their sons too. Color blindness has it downside, but it also broadened my horizons and taught me at a young age to have a questioning mind. School and education was not a priority in my family and we were welcome to quit anytime we chose. The only stipulation was that we must have a job.

My brother, Roger, like a lot of teens at that time, went to work at the tender age of 15. He got a position with a huge conglomerate in our city of Montreal. The dress code was a typical white shirt, tie and, hopefully, a matching suit. Now with Roger being color blind this became a bit of a dilemma for him. He would have no idea if he was wearing green socks with a red tie and blue suit, or even one orange sock coupled with a purple one!

My sister, Marie and I spent a lot of time with our brother Roger, as well as our other siblings. It was a common practice for the younger ones to spend any amount of time with the older siblings. Because Roger was one of the first ones from home to go off to work, we took an inordinate amount of pride in him and his achievements and were very anxious for him to succeed in life. Continue reading

The Reality Of Illusion

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIs illusion a reality? What do I even mean by “the reality of illusion?” I am not sure, so this will be a walk of discovery for both of us.  Definitions of illusion includes concepts like “deception”, “fantasy”, “not real” or “to convey a false or misleading impression.” Reality on the other hand is defined a “the real thing” or “fact”,  “a state or quality of being real” or an “actual thing”.

So the reality of illusion in my mind must mean that behind the smoke and mirrors of illusion there must be a reality base of some sort? Does this further mean that within the illusion of a lie there may be some truth? I think this bears some investigation, some form of discovery, don’t you? Continue reading

Love Many, Trust Few

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are few people you can trust to tell your innermost secrets. Be careful who you choose as your close companions. I have  many clients who have trusted people they thought were able to keep a secret or just be discreet as a friend. When you share your problems and concerns randomly with those that you might deem “confidants”, they sometimes will let down, or give you bad advice.

I have personally learned through experience to not share sensitive personal information with just anyone. Trust me, you will save yourself a bunch of grief in the long run. But that does not mean we should never talk or open up to anyone. Sometimes silence can be our worst enemy. There are times in life when we have to reach out and talk to someone! The key is to choose wisely who you confide in. We must all learn the fine art of loving many, but trusting few. That is the way to go. Continue reading

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