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The Courage To Live And Let Live

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe only way we are really going to make the future work is by allowing others to do their ‘own thing’ in their own way. Our future survival and evolution as a species will not be found in sameness, alikeness, similarity, or coercion. Instead, we must build a new global civilization based on expanding diversity, variety, assortment and multiplicity. Yet, there is one fundamental condition – for it to be successful it must be achieved in harmony with others and our planet.

From the perspective of the old mainstream view of our world, such a future world of unhindered diversity appears quite impossible and non-sensical, because that would mean that everybody does their own thing in their own way. And that seems really counter-intuitive… even dangerous. A disaster waiting to happen!

History has taught us that individuals doing things their ‘own way’ eventually manifests itself as selfishness, greed, creed, personal preference, chauvinism, dogma and ego-centered beliefs – which has caused most of our wars, the establishment of our borders, the separation between the rulers and subjects, and the division between rich and poor.

Difference is of the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. The answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity ~ John Hume

Yes, excessive egoism is probably the root cause of the ‘haves-and-have-nots’; of crime and corruption; and all manner of misery in the world. Throughout history we have always had one person, or group, or nation forcing their views, beliefs, desires or ambitions upon another. Maybe this is what caused this mess we are in to begin with?

But it is my belief that from a new paradigm and a radically different worldview, which has been gradually surfacing all over the globe, we will in time also discover that through individuation we can accomplish a new integration. We will find that we can achieve a collective, harmonious existence as Individuated Superhumans in a newly, co-created reality. The only missing link is our current lack of spiritual awareness.

In 1897, Ralph Waldo Trine wrote in In Tune With The Infinite, “If you preserve your individuality then you become a master, and if wise and discreet, your influence and power will be an aid in bringing about a higher, a better, and a more healthy set of conditions in the world”.

There is no need for us all to be alike and think the same way, neither do we need a common enemy to force us come together and reach out to each other. If we allow ourselves, and everyone else, the freedom to fully individuate as spiritual beings in human form, there will be no need for us to be forced by worldly circumstances to take hands and stand together. Our souls will automatically want to flock together, like moths to the flame of our shared Divinity, yet each with wings covered in the glimmering colors and unique patterns of our individual human expression.

This co-conscious, co-creative approach is now entirely attainable, for the first time in human history, because we now have the necessary science and technology to make it perfectly possible and within our reach to ‘each do our own thing’ – without harming, limiting, bothering, or judging each other!

If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse gift will find a fitting place ~ Margaret Mead

Many clues that the world is ready for this long-overdue, new worldview and scientific paradigm is to be found in recent advances in science and philosophy, including Quantum Physics and New Thought concepts like the Holographic Universe, Reality Tunnels, Quantum Healing, Deliberate Creation and Conscious Evolution.

Further evidence is also emerging from our fast evolving technology, which has brought us new levels of connectivity and increased personalization and customization of many aspects of our daily life, including global social networking with whomever we choose, and instant information distribution geared to our personal preferences and fields of interest.

Our physical world seems ready and able to accommodate the needs of the spiritually awakened new Superhuman. The constraints or demands of our material world are not the real problem; it is our own spiritual awareness and philosophical wisdom that is lagging behind.

Excerpt adapted from Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny by Anthon St Maarten © 2012

About The Author: Anthon St Maarten

Anthon St Maarten is an international psychic medium, intuitive consultant and destiny coach. He has been consulting professionally as psychic medium since 2004 and has since established himself as a trusted advisor to many people all over the world. He is also a sought-after inspirational speaker, metaphysics teacher, radio personality, spiritual author and blogger, with a special interest in New Thought spirituality, metaphysics, parapsychology, mediumship and psychic phenomena. He is best known for his bestselling practical spirituality book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny You can get a psychic reading from Anthon at

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