Who Is Your Soul Family?
When we hear the term ‘soulmate,’ we usually think of romance. But did you know you have an entire soul family here on Earth? Who are these people, and how do we find them?
Your soul family are those people you’ve probably known over many lifetimes, and whose auras and experiences are similar to your own. When you meet one, you may find yourself drawn to him or her, even if there are differences in background, age, or culture.
As with all good friends, a soul family member will instinctively understand and support you. When you meet for the first time, you might have a conversation that lasts for hours. And you’ll always be happy to see them, even on your worst days. It’s almost like being in love, but purely platonic…though you might wish you could marry the person, even when they’re not your preferred romantic gender. Continue reading
I’m A Perfect Five On A Scale Of One To Ten
I’m a perfect ‘five’ on a scale of one to ten… and I love it! When we learn to be a five, we’re relishing the right to be okay, yet not to have to be a perfect ten. We would all like to be absolutely perfect. Yet, no one is. We would like our heroes, our crushes, our partners to be ‘the one’ by fulfilling all our needs, but we forget that in order for that to be, we too have to be a perfect ‘ten.’ Still, and perhaps, sadly, no one is.
The worst part is, when our beloved tries to change, we often doubt them. We wonder why he said this, or why he didn’t do that, because he always did before! We shouldn’t ask for changes if we don’t really want them. Changes hurt, just as pulling the splinter out sometimes hurts. It causes us to bleed, but in order to heal, the splinter has to come out. Continue reading
The Twelve Laws Of Karma
Karma is a tricky word to define. And no, it doesn’t mean ‘revenge’ or ‘payback!’ In the simplest sense, karma is energy. We get back what we put forth. Or, to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, we become the product of our thoughts. And, like other forces at work in the Universe, karma follows a set of basic laws:
Great Law – We reap what we sow, every cause is related to an equal cause.
Law of Creation – Our intentions and desires are related. In other words, God helps those who help themselves.
Law of Humility – It is what it is. We must first address the root of our issues and accept things at face value, before we begin to change. Continue reading
Gracious Silence Protects You From A Lack Of Grace
God gives us moments in life where we are called to rise up, and be and do certain things we would otherwise not do spontaneously or willingly. Yet, we go and do out of obligation, to avoid negative repercussions, negative feedback from family, or just all around negative domino effects in some way, shape or form.
My fellow intuitive will know what I’m talking about here. It’s that feeling that comes to us to warn us, to tap us on the shoulder to say something like, “Hey, be careful, your going to need to set up a psychic shield. Negative energy is afoot!” It’s that inner knowing. Continue reading
The Healing Power Of Empathetic Listening
“They don’t listen to anything I say,” are words we often hear. People long to be acknowledged, and from my experience this is something people in many parts of the world are missing, as we all rush from place to place. The inhabitants of a modern day home tend to become like passing ships in the night to their loved ones, and hardly communicate with one another.
Really listening to another goes straight to the heart. It opens the empath and the medical intuitive’s eyes to that which any X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) scan cannot. Active listening is the most powerful catalyst for change in any healing therapy. Continue reading
Soulmates, Soul Groups And Soul Contracts
I find that many people in the spiritual and metaphysical communities are looking for their ‘soulmate.’ So what is a soulmate? What does this term mean to you?
A soulmate is often defined as the individual that we can completely resonate with, that we can truly love and that they truly love us back unconditionally. In reality, however, due to our humanness, this may not always be possible and then we may become obsessed with the search for a soulmate. In that search sadly we often miss truly wondrous opportunities to connect with love in the most unusual or unexpected places. Continue reading