A Sense of Calm – A Message From My Guides
Sometimes the emotional charge of something as simple as a misunderstood comment, or a statement taken out of context, can throw even the most level-headed person into a tailspin. Developing a general demeanor of good humor can assist you in dealing with some of these most difficult, embarrassing or awkward situations encountered in life.
Everyone handles things differently, doing the best they can with the information they have at the time. Although, generally, the goal is to come to a better understanding and reach common ground, sometimes this takes much more time, effort and compromise than expected.
Although it is important to resolve an issue and clear the air, if possible, it is equally important to put each issue into context. Years from the date of the affront, will the issue be remembered at all and, if so, will it have anywhere near the importance that it did at the time? Certain issues will never be forgotten, however, they can often be forgiven for the sake of all parties involved.
Coping With The Pain Of Loss And Grief
Going through grief is a very natural response to loss. The more significant the loss, the more intense our grief will be. Grieving can result from the passing of a loved one, losing a job, divorce, loss of health.
Coping with loss can be overwhelming. We usually go through all kinds of difficult and very unexpected emotions – from shock to anger to disbelief. Sometimes we also feel guilty that maybe there could have been more one should have done. And then there is the sadness, which is hard to even put into words.
The pain of grief and bereavement can, and often does, also disrupt our physical health, making it very difficult to sleep, eat and function normally. It is very hard to think straight at such a time, but these are normal reactions to significant loss.
Holding On To A Broken Relationship
Are you waiting for him to return to you? Has your break-up stopped you from living your life? Have you decided that no matter what anyone has said to you, that you know that he is coming back to you? Holding on to a broken relationship is a common occurrence in many people’s lives. One person moves on, another does not.
When confronted with this dilemma, you may believe he will be back. I know him; he can’t function without me. He needs me. He knows we are spiritually connected. However, this is often not the truth of the situation. It is simply your ego egging you on to believe what you want to believe.
I usually ask people to go into their ‘gut’ and take the heart out of it. But still I will get, “My gut says he will be back.” This is ego, because the response is so quick and without breathing in and allowing your guides to give you the proper answer.
Healing With Rhodochrosite
A couple years ago, I experienced a series of setbacks and losses. My energy had reached a low point and I knew it was time to get back on track. A good friend told me about her experience using pink Rhodochrosite stones to alleviate emotional blockages and depression and suggested I try it too.
I took her suggestion and went down to my local esoteric shop the next day to pick out a beautiful stone that I could carry in my pocket throughout the day.
It didn’t take long for me to notice the effects of the Rhondochrosite stone energizing my sacral and heart chakras. A lot of compassion and acceptance replaced the fear and general anxiety. This crystal is often referred to as the “compassionate cheerleader,” because it helps dissolve old wounds and to reconnect with your inner child. Continue reading
When Your Love Fantasy Overshadows Reality
Relationships flourish when they are put in the proper climate for growth. When it comes to intimate and romantic relationships it is integral for our own personal growth to recognize what we want and expect within the situation. Boundaries are a powerful way to cultivate the experiences that are more meaningful in our relationships.
Often when I am reading for a person that is having consistent challenges, Spirit will identify similar challenges within the situation. This is not universal, because challenges can stem from many sources. However, I would like to identify some consistent messages that do come up related to relationships.
One issue that comes up quite often is a focus on fantasy rather than reality. This is not to say that fantasy is bad, but when an individual expends a lot of their time and energy fantasizing about how a situation will evolve, they can potentially fall in love with the fantasy instead of the reality. Continue reading
Resting In The Nothing-ness
A friend and I were chatting the other day of our personal experiences about the realization of the nothing-ness, or the eternal. Just like in the movie The Matrix, the mind can have little moments or blips in time where it pauses long enough for us to clearly see the comings and goings of life are merely that… they’re coming and going from our awareness.
During these pauses something opens up that allows us to notice the obvious – what is blatantly there when we see through the busy mind and how it clouds over the eternal. Our mind gets fixated on whatever is temporarily happening, and it rarely notices the backdrop or container that remains the same or constant amidst the change.
Satsang is a Sanskrit word that breaks down to Sat, which means ‘talking about the truth of my being,’ or the recognition that ‘I am the truth,’ and Sangha, meaning ‘with my community.’ Continue reading
Manifesting A Better Life
Many questions I am asked in psychic readings have to do with why someone’s life has not changed to what they want it to be. Some people feel they have religiously applied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, or they closely followed the guidelines of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, or one of the many other popular methods for manifesting through the Law of Attraction, but nothing has changed.
And when I ask these people what they have changed in their inner being or subconscious mind to allow the new to come in, often I receive the response, “Oh, I have already done all that!” However, had the person ‘done all that’ they would be manifesting their intentions. But they are not.
Some steps on the way to manifesting a better life may seem redundant – especially the detail work, the forgiveness and releasing, and the simply believing that it can come… and not specifically in the way that the person has set out in their mind. Continue reading