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Lucid Dreaming – Create Your Own Adventures

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAlmost all of us have experienced a dream that seemed exceedingly real. These dreams can be so vivid that when we awaken we sometimes question whether it had actually happened, or not? Maybe you won the lottery in your dream, or met a favorite celebrity. These dreams can be so pleasing that we immediately wish we can repeat the experience. The truth is, we can!

As with any form of meditation or creative visualization, it takes practice and dedication to do dream work and experience lucid dreams. The most important thing to do, as we take this journey, is to keep a dream diary. Keep it by your bedside and record everything you can when you wake up from a dream. Because our most vivid dreams tend to take place before waking, we tend to remember the most at this time. Every detail is important, especially if you hope to repeat the dream later! Continue reading

Sleep Paralysis, Or Demonic Attack?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFrom the very first time I experienced sleep paralysis, there has been no doubt in my mind that I was being attacked by some dark force. This began to happen to me in 1999 and has continued until as recently as two months ago. The medical community would, however, attribute it merely to “sleep paralysis.” I beg to differ.

According to, sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person, either falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. One theory is that sleep paralysis is the result of disrupted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which normally induces complete paralysis to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, anxiety, and sleep apnea, however, it can also occur in isolation. Continue reading

Vision Board Magic

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI am more and more pleasantly surprised at the number of clients who are making their own vision boards with great success these days. Yet, I still suggest creating a vision board to many customers who feel it is their lot in life to be poor, unhappy, lonely, or cheated on by a partner.

Often people don’t even realize the extent to which they affirm the negative. I find myself cringing, because in essence they are confirming that the things they really don’t want is part of their destiny. So, for starters, I usually ask them to observe their dialogue and to focus on replacing any negatives and ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ with a positive. Often many years of stating negative words need to be re-formatted in order to manifest the life your truly desire. Continue reading

How To Deal With Drama Queens (And Kings)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world rife with drama. Most, if not all of us, have someone we care about in our lives who may be melodramatic, co-dependent, addictive, overly demanding, or constantly in trouble or in victim mode. We may not always know how to deal with these negative feelings and behaviors, or we may even try to ignore them. The truth is, drama doesn’t have to weigh us down, and it doesn’t always have to be difficult!

The first rule to keep in mind is that love works better than anything else. Offer your loved one plenty of compassion, because, chances are, the drama queen in your life is wounded. Negative actions typically stem from hurt. Be available, yet don’t become their doormat. This can be hard sometimes. Continue reading

Letting Go Of Toxic Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been reading for many years for a lady who is one of my dearest clients. I just love her to pieces. But I did not love the situation she was in with the man in her life, and neither did she. But it took her a long time to come to terms with him.

She was raising their child, while she worked and paid all the bills. Meanwhile, he did as he pleased and did very little to contribute to their home or their relationship. Neither did he make any effort to support her and their child. He has substance abuse problems. When he drinks he uses foul language and doesn’t exercise good judgment. Most of all he isn’t a good role model for their child.

He basically just drank and smoked, while he lay around all day. “And on top of that he eats me out of house and home!” she used to say. Continue reading

A Legacy Of Unconditional Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I was privileged enough to attend the celebration of life for my sweet cousin, Irene. She was clearly much loved. The hall not only had to have extra seats brought in, but it became standing room only.

What was so great about this little lady? Was she a politician in the public eye? A celebrity of some notoriety? Did she find the cure for a life threatening disease? Or was it the mere fact that she had spent 89 years of her life here on this plane? None of the above.

As a young girl, Irene would have been considered “wild”. She and a girlfriend not only took a bus trip across Canada, but also went by themselves to another country, which was not readily done in the early 40’s. But this is not what made her so remarkable. Her utlimate legacy was her ability to love others unconditionally. Continue reading

Can You Handle The Truth?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is famous scene in the movie A Few Good Men, where Jack Nicholson’s character angrily declares: “You can’t handle the truth!” Most of us can’t seem to, can we? We tell ourselves lies day in and day out, and after a while we come to believe them. Worse, we make excuses for ourselves or others that stop us from living full, healthy lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

There’s a reason most recovery programs include a step where you need to take a full and honest inventory of yourself. Even if we are not in recovery, how long since most of us have really taken a long, hard look at ourselves, warts and all? We want to believe that we’re smarter, prettier, and more successful than we really are. That’s human nature. All of these lies and half-truths in our past are like a huge boulder weighing us down. But there’s a way to let go of it if we are willing to step outside that comfort zone! Continue reading

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