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Change Your Karma For A More Fulfilling Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is true. Karma is real. And it can change your life. Whatever you think, say, or do… it always comes back to you. When you give selflessly, it always comes back. And when you hurt someone you are truly hurting yourself.

We are all created equal, and all equally valuable, whether we are on this, or that side of the world. We matter just the same. To think of yourself as better than others is always going to come back in a negative way. Not to mention the fact that it is not very attractive! It is vitally important to live with a mindset that allows us to be mindful of how we treat each other. I know this from many years of working with people all over the world. I also know this from my personal spiritual practice. Continue reading

How Fulfilled Are You?

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Have you found your niche? Have you discovered what you were meant to do in this lifetime? Doing what you love, while helping others and serving the greater good, is tremendously fulfilling. If you have not found your life purpose yet… the sooner the better.

Personally, I love it when I begin a conversation with a client and I can intuitively reel in information that I can pass on, by way of the Tarot as well as my spirit guides, ancestors and my intuition. To then have a really happy customer by the end of that conversation… well, there is something to be said for that feeling! I feel so good knowing I have helped someone to see their life in a completely different perspective. It is very rewarding. Continue reading

Being The Goddess

Visit PsychicAccess.comBeing the Goddess was not an easy task, and the young girl knew this from the very first time she opened her hazel eyes to the world.

Inside herself she felt it, from the inside out, that she was meant to do different things, that she was meant to bring something to others from her own experiences.

“What does it mean?” she would whisper to herself late at night.

She was amazed at the fact of it sometimes, and at other times afraid. “Let it go”, They said to her, “now is the time to be what you were called to be, without thinking about it so much”.

All little girls are the Goddess, and the young girl discovered this as she grew older. She pondered these thoughts many times. How could she bring a message to bear that she herself knew nothing about yet?

But as she grew older, and lived some of what life had to offer, she knew there was plenty of tale to tell, about what went on in the heart of the Goddess. Continue reading

You Can Love Others Without Harming Yourself

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people are constantly looking for answers in others. They want so desperately to find that place where they will be forever happy, and centered, and complete. They look to others to find answers, insight and direction.

They sometimes find something that makes them feel content. But that only lasts for a moment. Then they are once again looking for something else to make them happy and feeling on the up and up. Their lives are a constant roller-coaster ride of highs and lows. They have sudden bursts of energy and happiness, then they are down again for the count, with that feeling of depression and helplessness that there is just no way out. Continue reading

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll of us have had at least one day in our lives when we’ve done nothing but talk down to ourselves: we’re not good-looking enough, or wealthy enough, or talented enough. It’s okay, once in a while, but for some this habit becomes a lifelong form of self-torture. It becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Did you know the same thing happens when we focus our energy, and our self-talk on the positive?

No matter your belief system, positive thinking energy is good for you: it will increase your mental clarity, boost your immunity, and help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. It is beneficial to see the glass as half full. Like a mirror, the universe reflects back what we put out to it. Ever heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out?” The same is true of our thoughts. What we focus on becomes our reality … whether this is negative or positive. Continue reading

What Are Your Gifts?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered what your gifts are? What you came to this planet to do? What would make you the most happiest?

What your passion is, is what your gift to the world is. So many of my clients ask me what would give them the greatest amount of happiness. Sometimes I will look at their birth chart or just share what I’m picking up intuitively.

Often I will also share ways they can find out what their gifts are all on their own. There are a few steps:

1. Find your true nature beyond thought form. To regain awareness of being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization”  is enlightenment. It’s here where we connect to our true self. It’s here we can find out what makes us most happiest. It’s an inner knowing! Continue reading

Start Your New Year Right With A Vision Board

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe concept of a vision board as a tool to manifest your desires is simple. Since most of us tend to get distracted very easily, the board is a constant reminder of what we want and the steps we need to take toward our goals.

In short, a vision board is a visual reminder of our hopes and dreams, along with affirming words or sayings. Like people, no two are the same, and you don’t have to spend a fortune to make one for the New Year.

When making your personal board, it’s best to be as specific as possible. For example, almost everyone might say: “I wish to be successful in life!” But really read between the lines. Is this a promotion at work? A better relationship with friends or family? Choose pictures or words that represent exactly what you want. If you only say “I want to travel,” it is not as specific as pictures of a Hawaiian beach or Big Ben in London.  If you need a new car, find a photo of the exact make and model. Continue reading

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