One Scary Ghost Ride
Just to let you know my friend, don’t take anything for granted. The next time you plan a family trip, remember, it could become a scary ride. Yes, even road trips can be haunted.
I was born in New Brunswick, on the East Coast of Canada, and through a variety of moves over the years ended up living in the province of British Columbia, which is on the opposite coast.
There are 12 children in our family and for most of the years that I have lived in the West, I was the only sibling residing out this way. Consequently, there were many times when I would take a plane trip and head East to visit my rowdy, motley crew.
A few years back, after a four hour plane ride, I ended up at my little sister’s place in Ontario. Because my sister prefers driving, we hopped in her car the next day and she drove for another six hour trip, and we landed at my brother and sister-in-law’s home in Montreal. We spent a casual few days visiting with them, as well as other members of our clan. Continue reading
Soul Rescue Versus Soul Retrieval
Sometimes soul rescue and soul retrieval are intertwined as being the same thing. There is a subtle, but key difference in my view.
In the case of soul retrieval we are finding an aspect of self and returning it back. Soul rescue refers to being of service to a spirit or soul that is temporarily lost, or needs guidance to continue its journey in non-ordinary reality, in the realm of Spirit, having left the physical plane.
In the shamanic community there is a technique known as soul retrieval which represents the fragmented self. The fragmented self is a part of us that becomes temporarily ‘disconnected’ from our etheric soul, from the context of associative memories of a time in our life. Continue reading
Treasure The Living Years
Many of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.
Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are. Continue reading