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Mystic Shelley

Mystic Shelley is a five-star psychic, Reiki healer, clairvoyant and empathic reader. She offers her clients honest answers about past, present and future events with the help of her trusted guides. She reads in the area of love, relationships, career, money and all matters of life. Mystic Shelley was born with talents that would later mark her as a gifted psychic, but she chose not to embrace them early on. In her 30’s, a not-so-chance meeting with a celebrated psychic set her on a course that awakened her gifts. Born with the gifts of clairvoyance and empathy, her psychic mentor helped her to expand those abilities, taking her talents to the next level. With experience came proficiency and today she has a growing list of devoted clients who sing her praises. In addition, she’s also actively assisted other psychics to open up to their abilities. If you are looking for direct and honest answers get a reading with Mystic Shelley now at

Can You Handle The Truth?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is famous scene in the movie A Few Good Men, where Jack Nicholson’s character angrily declares: “You can’t handle the truth!” Most of us can’t seem to, can we? We tell ourselves lies day in and day out, and after a while we come to believe them. Worse, we make excuses for ourselves or others that stop us from living full, healthy lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

There’s a reason most recovery programs include a step where you need to take a full and honest inventory of yourself. Even if we are not in recovery, how long since most of us have really taken a long, hard look at ourselves, warts and all? We want to believe that we’re smarter, prettier, and more successful than we really are. That’s human nature. All of these lies and half-truths in our past are like a huge boulder weighing us down. But there’s a way to let go of it if we are willing to step outside that comfort zone! Continue reading

Remote Viewing – Seeing From Afar

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the many different forms of psychic ability is that of remote viewing (RV). Simply put, this ability allows us to see things or events that exist across time and space. In some ways, it is like watching a television, or listening to a radio thousands of miles away.

But how exactly does it work? The truth is, no one knows for sure. Much like dreams, RV is a way for us to cross the normal boundaries of perception and expand ourselves psychically.

Unlike its cousins, such as out-of-body experiences (OBE), dream walking, or deep hypnosis, RV is done while fully awake and conscious. Some say it is similar to astral projection. The phenomenon has been around since ancient Greece, and in more modern times various military groups and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have used it strategically, such as seen in the popular film, The Men Who Stare at Goats. Continue reading

Paranormal, Or Perinormal?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost of us hear the word “paranormal” and a whole host of concepts might come to mind: ghosts, extra-sensory perception (ESP), creatures like Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster. A good many of us might even have experienced a paranormal phenomenon or two in our lives. But what exactly is paranormal? The answer might surprise you, as will its related cousin, the term “perinormal.”

“Paranormal” comes from the Greek word meaning “outside.” Thus, “outside of what is normal.” On the other hand, “perinormal” takes its root from the word meaning “close to.” So, the term “perinormal” might apply to almost every living person today. Continue reading

How To Become A Lightworker

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe term “lightworker” has many meanings in the magical realm. It does not, as a layman might think, refer to someone “who works lightly” or even directly with light! A lightworker is an enlightened soul; one whose mission while on Earth is that of raising consciousness, bringing awareness and truth.

Those on this path are often described as “old souls,” and for good reason, since so many of them have experienced many stops on their karmic journeys. But what are they doing among us, and how can we learn to practice the art of lightworking? Continue reading

Seven Types Of Psychic Ability

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the psychic world we often refer to the seven “clairs” when discussing psychic abilities. “Clair” is French for “clear.” In the mortal, mundane world, we receive messages via text, email, or in person all the time. In the psychic realm there are almost infinite numbers of ways to send and receive messages, and if you’re gifted with one of the “clairs” as some people are, you will know this.

While we as humans only have five senses, there are believed to be seven basic types of psychic ability: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairtangency, clairscent, clairgustance, and claircognizance.
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Psychic Development 101

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most common misconceptions is that one needs to be “born” psychic to have the gift. The truth is we are all born with unique talents! However, like any other skill, practice is essential to honing and developing our psychic abilities.

There are many different kinds of psychic ability. Being able to discern future events, while usually thought of as a psychic’s bread and butter, is just one of these. For example, certain people may be able to telepathically communicate with animals, predict the weather, or have vivid dreams. If you are in doubt as to what your talent might be, think back to when you were small. Children are more psychically attuned than adults. Can you remember a time when you had a supernatural experience, or even more than one? This may very well be your gift. As our culture has become more tolerant of psychic ability, this is less likely to be thought of as coincidence or luck. Continue reading

Become More Aware Of Your Dreams

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne thing that almost every one of us has in common is our dreams. Even if we don’t remember them the next morning, we dream each and every night.

But what do they all mean? Dreams are a way for the subconscious or psychic part of ourselves to work out our problems.

Many of our dreams feature larger-than-life or fantastical images that couldn’t possibly exist in the real world. That’s because they are symbols. Many have written on the subject of symbolism, from the ancient Egyptians to modern psychologist Carl Jung. Just as no two people are alike, nor are their dreams.

You may often ask yourself how to interpret your confusing or murky dreamscape. The first and best way is to keep a dream journal. It’s preferable to have it by your bedside, so you can write it down once you wake up. As you start doing this, you will notice patterns emerging. If you meditate during your waking hours, these recurring images will no doubt appear there as well.
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