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soul group

Oranges Are Adventurous Souls

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOrange soul colors are one of the most notably vibrant. They are exceptional survivors who frequently have huge emotional issues happening in their lives – not just for themselves, but also for close family members.

At the same time, “oranges” are one of the most daring soul colors in existence. They are adventurous spirits who won’t just go on a safari, but will try to get so close to a wild animal that they could count its teeth.

Oranges love to take risks. They can change course abruptly and love to dive into something they may think is important at the moment. They can at times be challenging to live with, as they like to be on the move and do not care for a quiet, normal existence. Oranges are not fond of doing any deep thinking and believe life is to be lived to the fullest. Continue reading

Soul Groups And Pre-Existence Agreements

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we belong to soul groups, that we choose to participate in this particular existence in a certain way based on a soul agreement. It is quite similar to auditioning for a play. We can choose to be in a comedy, drama, horror or even a combination of all of the above. We can also choose to take on the leading role, or just be a supporting cast member, or perhaps a cameo or extra taking a background position.

Which position are we willing to take on? This in itself can be a great challenge, as well as a profound learning experience. Many times if we have chosen a role that caused grief or harm we will regroup at a later date to try and resolve latent issues. If we are successful it is wonderful, because we can then pursue a totally different role or existence or go on to something completely different. Continue reading

Purples Are Natural Leaders

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPurple is a powerful spiritual color that originates from the authoritative plane. What this means for those individuals who have this as their favorite color is that they tend to operate completely from the authoritative self.

This is not to be mistaken as seeming “bossy;” it stems from an inherent understanding of how things should operate in a successful manner, and usually for the common good. Purple soul colored people are frequently quite intelligent, highly articulate and when in their natural balance they are always in control. Continue reading

My Daughter’s New Life Beyond This One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently our 48 year old daughter passed away*. Those of you who have experienced the death of a child will understand the depth of the grief and sorrow that parents are left with. All we can hope for now is that the sense of loss will eventually not be so deep and profound.

The physical cause of her death was the effects of her cancer treatments, however, the soul cause of her passing was because she could no longer sustain any kind of happiness in this existence.

Kathy was beautiful, highly intelligent and possessed a remarkable sharp wit. Yet, from a very young age she also appeared aloof and reserved. Curiously, she was often judged,  and sometimes quite harshly, because of this particular quirk. Why anyone would choose to be offended by this trait is still a mystery to me. Those like her, with an extremely sensitive soul, will inherently create an environment for themselves simply to protect that fragile being from harm.  This attitude should be embraced and rewarded, instead of judged and ridiculed. Continue reading

Embrace Your Soul Family

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are all connected. We always meet up with people in our lives that are kindred spirits. We all know that feeling that comes over you; that familiarity that makes you stop in your tracks and think, “Wow I know that person from somewhere, but can’t place where I have met them.”

We haven’t met them in this incarnation, but in past lives.

We know these souls from our past, because they are in our cell memory. There is still unfinished business to be completed. That is why we are meeting up with similar souls that we have known in our past lives, be it here or in another world. We are  constantly learning and constantly evolving, and many times we come back in groups, if not every time. Continue reading

Do We Choose Our Parents Before Birth?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI am often asked if I believe in reincarnation and clients sometimes want to know about their past lives. I was not always sure until I had a very vivid dream one night. I often receive answers in this way.

In this dream I felt like I was floating and searching. It seemed like I was hitting many areas of the world. I was looking for someone. But for who, or what? How could this make any sense?

I even heard my name, Raymond, in this dream. I recognized my mom’s voice. I also heard someone talking to me as if to guide me, but the voice sounded like I was under water and I could not follow the language. Continue reading

The Mysterious Lady In The Hallway

Visit for a FREE Psychic Reading!Dreams have also been a big part of my life since a very young age. No matter how long ago I had them, I still remember some of them as if it were yesterday.

I had a vivid, recurring dream starting about five years ago. There was this lady, I guess she was in her early 60’s, and she was standing in a hallway. She was looking at me very peacefully. It was a little weird, because it was not my mother or grandmother or someone I knew.

For many years I wondered who this lady might be. Eventually it stopped, I guess for about a year, but all of a sudden she was back in my dreams and this time she began to talk to me. She would ask if had seen her brother, John? Very odd indeed, since I have a brother named John. It made no sense.

Time went on and the dream grew more intense, until finally in the last dream I saw the back of a man, his hair was silver and he was kind of short. The mystery lady walked up to him and said: “John! I have missed you since I had passed.” Continue reading

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