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The Joy Of Mediumship

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople that know me call me the ‘Happy Medium,’ because I am usually very upbeat when I am bringing through their loved ones. I do feel always so happy to do readings and to share my gifts with those I read for. I love connecting with my clients loved ones on their behalf. It is always uplifting, because it confirms what I know to be true – there is an afterlife.

I got a call from one of my dear clients last week that told me that she was happy to connect with her mother, who came through in a reading after she did what I suggested she do before going to sleep. She was so happy that she told me she was going to do this every night, in order to try an connect also with other loved ones that have crossed over.

Helping my clients tap into their own unique psychic powers is also gratifying. I always let my clients know when I see that they have certain gifts, and how to tap into them and use them in their life.

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The Mystery Of Spirit Orbs

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChances are you’ve taken at least one photo in your lifetime, and upon seeing it later noticed one or more small, unexplained orbs of light in the image. Is it the sun? A light reflection? Something on the lens? A lost frame from a J.J. Abrams film? Sometimes it is just one of these things, but sometimes it is what is known as a spirit orb.

Orbs are ‘balls of light’ that have no natural explanation and can appear in different sizes and colors. They are not only found in photographic images, but can also sometimes be seen by the naked eye, especially by clairvoyants and those who can see auras.

The presence of an orb may indicate that an angel or other spirit guardian is present. Angels are creatures of light, and the circular shape of the orb represents infinity. Viewed closely, some of these orbs reveal complex patterns, along with the unique color aura of the guardian. A few even reveal discernible faces!

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The Blessing Of Mediumship

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a medium, there is nothing more rewarding than bringing through a loved one who has passed on to Spirit. It is tremendously fulfilling to be able to deliver messages from another plane and to put someone’s mind at ease here on Earth.

Often, departed loved ones will come through to give a progress report of sorts, so that family or friends will know that they are happy, pain-free and adjusting beautifully to their new surroundings. In addition, they might weigh in on a family dilemma, reassure a friend that the right decision was made or confirm that everything is currently on track for success.

Readings of this nature are a win-win-win for everyone — for the person who has passed on to Spirit, for the person requesting the reading, and also for me.

Over the years, I have received countless confirmations from readings given privately and in the various spiritualist churches. Although I would never take Spirit’s work for granted, because all messages are important for different reasons, there are many that stand out because of the wonderful reactions they caused.

Once, I was attending a potluck supper at one of the churches and, as I was standing in line for the buffet, I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around to see who was there, an older woman said, “Well, here he is!” She pointed to a man standing beside her. A few years before, Spirit had advised that she would be getting remarried and, at her age, she didn’t believe it for a minute. Fast forward a few years and she brought him to the church supper in the hope that I would be there to meet him in person. She was thrilled beyond belief and beamed with pride as she told me the story of where they had met and how their relationship had progressed so beautifully. Continue reading

How I Communicate With Spirit

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I do readings, I use a process whereby I ask Spirit to come forward, with a great deal of protection and guidance, to provide clear, concise and accurate information for the highest good for all concerned.

Spirit always comes through with a great deal of love. They gather to help guide, guard and protect us. They often give us suggestions or recommendations and support us in times of need. However, we all have our own free will, so it is up to us to make the final determination as to whether we will follow their guidance.

There are some things I do not address during a reading. From the very beginning, I have asked my guides not to give me anything to do with health, death or lottery numbers. Therefore, I do not give any medical diagnosis, neither do I foretell someone’s passing, or give out so-called ‘winning numbers.’

Also, if Spirit feels that a particular question is inappropriate, they will not show me anything. Sometimes, they will say specifically that they cannot disclose that particular information.

Spirit uses a combination of direct voice, symbols, and expressions to communicate messages. Symbols are a type of short cut that, over the years, Spirit has developed with me to make certain messages as clear as a bell, without having to go into greater detail. Continue reading

Postcards From Spirit

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit messages often remind me of old-fashioned postcards and modern day text messages. As a child I loved receiving postcards from family and friends all over the world. Postcards were a way to see other places and how other people lived, before the era of texting and social media. Postcards were a way to send short messages just to say I’m thinking of you, similar to the way my grandchildren these days send each other short text messages… while they are in the same room!

Postcards and text messages have another similarity. Sometimes the messages are abbreviated and the person reading the message may not always understand exactly what the sender was really trying to say. And as it is sometimes necessary with postcards and texting, spirit messages often also require us to ‘connect the dots’ or read between the lines.

People may read or hear the same message, yet get several different meanings of what the sender was saying. This is one reason a person can have readings with several different psychics, mediums and diviners, and come away from them very confused, because the readers interpret messages differently. For this reason it is best to find one or two readers you feel comfortable working, instead of consulting with too many different readers. Continue reading

A Butterfly Message From My Father

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy father passed away just over 12 years ago. Since then he has made frequent contact with from the other side. A few years ago, he used to be a frequent visitor at my monthly psychic circle, until it was discontinued when I relocated to another country.

The circle used to gather on the first Saturday of each month. At one particular sitting, we all heard my dad’s voice. His tone was crystal clear, but we were unable to decipher what he was saying. The other sitters had all met my dad before his passing and we were all very sure it was him.

I had never really felt the need to consult a medium after his passing, because of the messages we so often received in our own little circle. Plus, he was almost 80 when he passed, and considering his addictive lifestyle over the years, together with his struggle with pancreatic cancer, I don’t feel he wished to linger on this earthly plane any longer. I was also fortunate to get closure during his illness. Continue reading

Rescue Work – Learning To Help Lost Souls

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRescue sessions intrigued me from the very start of my mediumship career. In order to facilitate a rescue, several times per year the advanced mediumship class at my spiritualist church would sit in a meditation circle. Reverend Doreen would then go through a process to invite people to come through, if they wanted or needed help. These were people who had passed into Spirit but were confused as to their current whereabouts or circumstances, and didn’t know what to do next.

About eight of us would sit quietly on our chairs until someone came through to one of us in the circle. We spoke in their ‘voices’, sometimes even using their accents. Reverend Doreen would question them as to their names, occupations, the last thing they remembered, and so on. These stories were fascinating and came from all realms of life here on the earth plane. Continue reading

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