Taking Pictures Of Orbs
Taking pictures might give you a better understanding of what kinds of orbs you might have in your house. It’s hard to see an orb with the naked eye. At times it might just be dust floating around in the sunlight, or a reflection. Taking pictures is far more constructive.
You don’t need a camera that costs a lot to take pictures of orbs. The cheap digital I often use cost only twenty dollars, and it also takes videos that I can download to the computer.
So, when you have your camera, where do you start? If you have animals watch their behavior to see if they act differently, for example when they keep looking up to the ceiling in a certain area of the house. Always have your camera nearby. Continue reading →
My Latest Ghostly Encounters
After writing about the missing slipper, and seeing my father in spirit, it seems like more paranormal stuff has been happening around me, including seeing a ghost and smelling odd perfumes. But why?
It’s not like nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I had witnessed objects belonging to loved ones who have passed being replaced or moved around, or just disappear several times in the past. My latest ghostly encounter was something very different.
My wife and I has just arrived home, after a very long day running errands and going to the store to get some groceries. We were expecting a very cold spell, which was supposed to hit Ohio that day. It was supposed to last two days featuring below zero temperatures. Continue reading →
Reading Between The Lines
Growing up in a family of psychics, I can remember my mother telling me that in life we have to always “read between the lines.” What she meant was that life has much to offer us, from relationship to career to recreation. To make the best life choices we need to look out for opportunities presented to us in the form of signs and synchronicity.
Every day we receive signs and inner guidance: in our dreams, next to the road, in numbers, from the words spoken by strangers, even in songs on the radio. Magic is everywhere, we just need to be aware and keep looking out for it. Continue reading →
A Black Bird Visits My In-Laws
A black bird is believed to be a good omen by some, while others see it as a sign of misfortune. My experience with a black bird sign proved to be both.
I was over at my in-laws’ house one day when we noticed this black bird trying to get into the room. I thought the bird might be injured the way it was acting. It kept hitting the window hard, trying to fly inside. I felt this must be some sort of omen, but decided not to share this notion with my in-laws.
At that moment I got a call on my phone from my ex-wife. Our son had fallen off his scooter and broke his arm. After the call, the black bird was still doing his thing, but eventually gave up and flew away. I thought then that this must be the news the black bird was bringing. Continue reading →
Recurring Dream A Sign Of Things To Come
Over the years I have had many dreams I never knew at the time was a sign of things to come. There is one particular dream I had repeatedly, and I did not realize how its message would ultimately affect members of my family.
My first real job was with my brother. He owned a painting company and he offered me a job before my summer vacation in high school.
At this time I had a dream about my brother and sister-in-law. In my dream they were in an earthquake. Living in Ohio this was unlikely, as we normally do not experience earthquakes here. In this dream I can remember the ground splitting apart and my brother was reaching out to my sister in-law’s hands, to pull her to safety. But he couldn’t bring her to safety and at that moment I always woke up. Continue reading →
The Angels In Our Daily Lives
We see movies about them around Christmas time; stories about how an Angel was sent to a certain family with a message of hope. We see Angels delivering messages in works of art and we hear about them in popular holiday songs. But are they real?
I believe we do get signs and guidance from Angels, and sometimes they even save our lives. Whenever I am asked to assist with ghost hunting, I always ask for help and protection from the Angels. They have never failed me.
One cold winter morning on my way to work I was about ten miles from my exit on the highway. I was feeling ill, but my sick days had run out and I needed the money, so I had to go in. I had taken some cold medication before I left home. I was in the far right lane and was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Continue reading →
Spirit’s Many Unusual Ways To Make Contact
I have always been fascinated by the many ways the spirits of loved ones use to get someone’s attention after they passed away.
In the past I have written about how my grandfather employed different means to get my attention after he passed away, including the smell of cigar smoke and mysterious phone calls.
For several years I kept smelling grandpa’s cigar smoke. And before I knew my grandfather passed away, I got two phone calls from him on my parents old black phone. Later in life I received another phone call from him on my way home after a very long trip.
Since my father’s passing I get the smell of cigar smoke, just like I did with my grandfather. It is not exactly the same type of smell, but I know it is him. Continue reading →
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