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Letting Go Of Those Old Branches

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs winter arrives, it is always a time of reflection for me. Winter storms are so bittersweet. They are beautiful, but they also can be very destructive. In a winter storm last year, I have observed some of the strongest, oldest trees losing their branches. Those large branches were the first to snap. They looked so strong and have weathered so many storms, yet they could not withstand the wind.

As I analyzed the results of that winter storm, the realization came to me that the smaller, more supple branches had the ability to bend with the strong winds. The large, majestic branches, however, had become rigid over the years and broke easily in the powerful, icy wind.

The same principle could apply in our lives. How well we handle a challenging situation will depend on our ability to remain flexible and adapt. A very strong, experienced person may appear on the surface to be able to move mountains and handle most situations with ease. But if that same person is unwilling to listen, refuses to compromise with others and cannot remain open-minded, they will most likely be doing a lot of ‘snapping’ when facing adversity.

If we can ‘bend’ to at least agree to disagree with others, and keep a more flexible, adaptive attitude in difficult times, it makes life a lot easier to maintain harmony with the world. If tunnel vision is how we choose to see life, it is impossible to see that others may also be right sometimes, or have a better solution. When we become rigid, stiff, closed and inflexible, it becomes harder to see the bigger picture and to have a more peaceful approach to life.

When we are rigid and think our way is the only way, it is also hard to make and keep lasting relationships. In a group situation there are always people that see the opposite side any situation for a problem. Sometime these people may play devil’s advocate. They listen to each point of view to arrive at a compromise.

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Keeping Your Thoughts Positive

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt that you have reached the bottom and are struggling to come back up to the top? Many people that I talk to on a daily basis, have no one they can turn to in order to bring them back up and get that positive energy back. Each person I speak to comes to me with different issues that they like me to help them understand and solve. Sometimes you just need a friend. I like to be a friend by listening, understanding, and finding the deep-seated issues for every person that calls me. It is amazing how a spiritually guided, non-judgmental reading can help people with each and every issue we discuss together.

Once you are able to find solutions to an issue during your psychic reading, it is awesome how well you can feel afterwards. If you are embarrassed to speak to someone you know, a psychic reader is the perfect solution. You will not have the worry of your issues becoming public or causing embarrassment.

A spiritual psychic reader can help guide you in the right direction to your future. However, it does take work on your part to get to that future. It is so important for you to set your goals and not stop until you achieve each and every one of them. Your hard work will pay off in the end. Once you have achieved your first goal, it is amazing how good you will feel inside. Achievements whether large or small, help bring the positive emotions and feelings out, while slowly putting the negative thoughts in the past, and leaving them there for good.

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Looking Within – A Message From My Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs the holiday season starts to ramp up around the world, everything becomes more and more hectic. Travel plans are made early. Gifts are purchased. Party invitations are extended. New outfits are bought. Menus are set. Baking is done. It is a wondrous time of year, to give thanks and to show appreciation to family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Under these circumstances, it is understandable that stress abounds too. For some people, in addition to all the excitement, there is a real feeling of obligation. The expectations of others can be overwhelming and, of course, it is impossible to please everyone. There is also the feeling that time is running too short to accomplish everything on the to-do list. Demands on your time can seem endless and unreasonable.

For others, the holiday season can be a very quiet and somewhat lonely time. Old memories can be triggered. Losses can become more heightened and a sense of sadness can prevail. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days get shorter and sometimes much colder, so sunlight isn’t as prevalent to perk you up and lighten your spirit.

Whether you are run off your feet or living a more solitary lifestyle, we recommend that you make some time to look within. A daily meditation habit can do wonders to give you a sense of peace, calm and gratitude. A quiet mind at the start of your day can prepare you for the remainder of each day as it unfolds. A peaceful feeling can help you to put things into perspective so as not to worry, overreact or panic unnecessarily.

Everyone has a ‘little narrator’ inside their head who is constantly chatting up a storm. If this little chatterbox was a real person sitting with you in your living room or in the car, you would eventually ask him or her to stop talking for a while so that you could think, read, watch TV, listen to music, converse, drive, and so on. However, because everyone has grown quite accustomed to this little tag-along giving constant commentary throughout the day, you carry on in spite of the continual interruptions.

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Choosing Peace Over Conflict

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere will always be moments in life when we have to choose between peace or conflict. This was the case for me just yesterday.

About half an hour prior to the incident, I had taken my dogs for a walk in the countryside surrounding my home. Adjacent to the pathway we walked, there were a few men working in the field. I didn’t actually see them, but their car was parked up close by, and what I assumed was their lunch had been perched in a plastic bag in one of the olive trees.

Knowing that the curiosity of my dogs would be stirred by that bag of food, I kept a beady eye on them, particularly the two that were off-leash. Thankfully, the only thing my youngest dog appeared to be interested in was someone else’s medium-sized dog that was also in the vicinity of the workman’s feast. I’d assumed that this dog was with the workers, but on taking the same route this morning, I realized that he belongs to the actual farm there.

So, yesterday, after the walk, I was outside my house, when the worker’s car pulled up to my fence. Two young men got out and one of them asked, “Why did you allow your dogs to steal the old man’s bocadillo (a sandwich made with Spanish bread)?”

“They didn’t steal it?” I replied.

“Oh, but they did,” he said. “My friend here saw it happen!”

I took a moment and thought about how to handle this situation in the most peaceful and spiritually aware manner. It wasn’t such a big deal, but obviously the old man felt that he had been robbed.

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Soul Friends

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSoul friends are different from soulmates. Your soulmate is your romantic or life partner, the one you share your life with. Your soul friend is your best friend. Even when you haven’t talked with each other for a long time, you always seem to know what is going on with them.

We have several spiritual friendships in our lifetime. Those special friendships are part of our soul contract or life plan while we are here on Earth. Before we came here we made an agreement with certain members of our soul group to find and support each other while in this lifetime.

How do you know when someone is from your soul group? There is an instant connection right away. Your laughter, and humor, and way of thinking, just seems to fit. You immediately ‘get’ each other’s ‘vibe.’ We have more than one soul friend in every lifetime, which may even include siblings and co-workers.

Why is having soul friends important? Well, because soul friends help, support and guide us along our journey in this lifetime. You can usually talk about anything with them, without feeling judged or criticized, or feeling obligated sometimes.

As you are thinking of them, almost instantly the phone might ring and it’s them, saying that they were thinking of you and wanted to reach out. It makes our journey so much easier when we have them in our lives, because with soul friends you can be who you truly are. Continue reading

Learn To Listen To Your Angels

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWho is helping me? I have angels and spirit guides? Are they really helping me? If they are helping me, why is my life falling apart? These are some of the questions that come up in our lives, when we have been told that our angels and guides are always with us.

Yes, your angels are always with you, to guide you through life, to enhance your intuition, and to fill the voids that come into your life. However, they cannot intervene in your life. That is all up to you.

Sit in silence and truly listen, before making a decision. Breathe and ask them for their help in making the right decision. I have several clients who do this, and then follow their first gut reaction.

However, I also have several that start to question it and ask the same questions over and over, and over again. They put their heart into it, they put their thoughts into it, but the answer changes on them…because they have created the change.

Know that the very first gut answer that you receive, after sitting in silence, is going to be the right one for you. But when you create the answer you want yourself, things do not always work out well.

A good example has to do with life partners. Someone will make up their mind that they have to be with a particular person, but it’s not up to us to make that choice. It’s a mutual choice. There are two people to consider here.

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The Life Lesson Of ‘Making Plans’

click here for free introductory reading at‘Making plans’ has been a life lesson for me. Whenever I make serious plans, they always tend to fall through. Something usually comes up, or it just doesn’t work out.

It has been at times almost comical. I even started telling people, whenever they invite me to attend an event, or go somewhere with them, or sign up for something important, that I plan on possibly doing this with them, but I am not going to say it is definite….because then it probably won’t work out.

In time I came to realize that the Universe was teaching me, over and over again, to not make any major plans. The lesson for me has been simply to never say yes to anything with absolute certainty. Why? Because nothing is ever guaranteed. Things change, things happen… and not only to us, but also to others. It is often a domino effect that can impact our plans in many ways. Today, tomorrow, nothing is ever guaranteed.

In the process I have also learned to curb my emotions. You may find this odd or strange, but it has been my truth for more than four decades. In my experience, whenever I get super excited about something, it either gets taken away from me, or something happens to changes it for the worse.

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