law of detachment
Letting Go Allows Miracles To Happen
We tend to hold onto things and people which no longer serve us. Fear keeps us attached, as well as that comfortable feeling of the familiar.
Some people hang onto other people for dear life, even though they treated them badly, because they do not feel they are good enough for anyone else. Some people hang onto material things, because to let it go would diminish their self-worth or comfort zone by some means.
This was a hard lesson that I had to learn and overcome myself. Three years ago, I had my father’s house up for sale. It had been on the market for over a year and did not even attract one offer. Later, I realized that this had happened because I was not ready to let it go at the time. My energy was preventing anyone, who might have been interested, from going near the house to even look at it, let alone make an offer. Continue reading
Want Only What You Need
I was busy getting ready to go out and feeling harried, as if what I had to do was so very important! But it was my perspective that was distorted and incorrect. Sensing this, I decided to sit down and take a moment. I wanted to get into alignment, before I got behind the wheel, as I had promised myself I would never rush in traffic. The rushed feeling triggered another feeling to put myself in check.
So, sitting down, I had a vision of my Grandpa. He came into focus for only a few seconds, but his visit to me seemed to last much longer. Time is different on the other side and we perceive it differently. Continue reading
Allow The Universe Time To Work Its Magic
Every psychic advisor has probably heard some variation of the question, “Why did he leave and how can he be happy without me?” or “How come she doesn’t love me anymore?” Along with these questions also come all the emotional tortures it may contain.
Each time I hear it my heart breaks, because based on the reading I receive for them, I typically have to say something like, “You are lovable! You are loved! Why do you think it is something that you did? How do you know he didn’t leave simply because he had to, because he just couldn’t handle his version of what being committed means. It has nothing to do with you and he actually misses you like crazy. He is sorry for what he did, and how his actions hurt you.” Continue reading