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My Healing Journey From Trauma To Spiritual Calling

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany years ago, a seemingly random accident changed the course of my life forever. As I traveled the country speaking to various corporate audiences in different cities, one fateful event brought about a profound change.

On that pivotal night, a woman arrived late for my presentation. While everyone was watching an introductory video, I asked her if she had filled out a raffle ballot. When I learned that she hadn’t, I offered to get it for her from the entrance to the hall.

Reaching the hallway doors meant walking between an audio speaker and the first table of guests. As I walked toward the exit doors, signaling to some in the audience that I would return shortly, I had no idea of the terrible events that were about to unfold.

Commercial audio speakers usually have a three-legged base, similar to a camera tripod, to keep the legs out of sight. But at this venue, the speakers had a different, wider type of base, with chrome spokes extending horizontally just above the floor, which the well-meaning organizers had hidden under black fabric. On my way to the doors, I tripped over one of those hidden metal bars!

The impact was severe – I dislocated my shoulder, breaking the bone into four pieces, shattered my knee, and my foot, caught in the fabric, twisted upside down over the bar. The resulting whiplash jammed my head to the left and slightly upward, immobilizing my entire left side.

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