The Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, or Anahata is located in the heart center. It is symbolized by a circular flower and 12 green petals called heart-mind. The animal totems of the fourth chakra are the antelope, dove and nightingale. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “F”. This is considered the heart chakra and love chakra.
The color is green. It rules the shoulders, heart, blood circulation, upper back and lungs. Foods to stimulate the fourth chakra include Lettuce, kale, zucchini, spinach and all green vegetables. The corresponding gland is the Thymus. Physically, Anahata governs the immune system, all blood related issues and circulation. Mentally it governs connection with others’ personal power, while emotionally it governs empathy, compassion, romance, friendship and family love, and spiritually it directs unconditional love. Continue reading
Winter May Come, But Spring Will Always Follow
The delicate African Violets on my window sill are beautiful this season. The window is the best place for them, as each one soaks up the sunlight from the East. The Sun smiles on them this morning.
The key thing with violets that many people don’t realize is that we hurt them the most by over-watering. Water is a good thing for plants, right? Violets, however, are native to the tropics where heat, sun, and a dry atmosphere is more prevalent.
The unique needs of these violets teaches us how to follow our own path. This is the true beauty of nature. See, each of us is different. When we look around us, we can’t follow someone else’s path, or be jealous, or worried that the path they are following is different from our own. Continue reading
Forgiveness Meditation
As difficult as it is to forgive, remember that forgiveness is about freeing yourself. Freeing yourself from pain, anger, fear and attachment to unhealthy people and situations, is vital on our journey to enlightenment.
The following is a powerful forgiveness meditation I created for my Kundalini yoga classes. My clients who have done this meditation have told me that they felt lighter, as if an emotional weight had fallen off of them. Many have said the next time they saw someone they had resentment toward, they felt like crying, hugging them or telling them they had forgiven them.
1. Sit in the easy pose (on the ground, legs bent, spine straight).
2. Close eyes. Continue reading
Spiritual Awakening, Now What?
A few years ago, in the time leading up to 2012, I wrote a blog post about the symptoms of spiritual awakening. Well, here we are in 2014 and some of us are wondering what to do now?
Some of us feel as though we didn’t make it. Some of us are wondering if we made it, but don’t know it? Some feel as though they have awakened, but have hit a plateau and are unsure of what to do next.
All of these examples are types of plateaus we must face in our diverse journeys. I can only offer advice on what I have personally dealt with and come to embrace in my own.
Empath Unplugged At Bath Spa
The host at Burghope Manor country inn in Bradford-on-Avon, England, is a very wise man. He has seen many travelers come and go over the years, and obviously knows what is best for each of them.
When I told him I had downloaded an audio tour on my iPod, from the local tourism website, and was going to do a “Jane Austen walk” through the historic town of Bath, he gave me a skeptical look like only the British can and said, “You might want to stop by the Roman Baths first. It is a must-see, but go there early in the morning, before the tour groups arrive from London.”
Well, who am I to argue with such a determined a messenger of the Universe?
Arriving at the Roman Baths Museum, I was planning to have a quick 30 minute browse around and then go off in pursuit of the famous Ms Austen’s favorite haunts. Well, what is usually a 90 minute visit for most to the baths, if you use the museum’s audio guide, became for me a four hour metaphysical adventure. Continue reading
Allow The Universe Time To Work Its Magic
Every psychic advisor has probably heard some variation of the question, “Why did he leave and how can he be happy without me?” or “How come she doesn’t love me anymore?” Along with these questions also come all the emotional tortures it may contain.
Each time I hear it my heart breaks, because based on the reading I receive for them, I typically have to say something like, “You are lovable! You are loved! Why do you think it is something that you did? How do you know he didn’t leave simply because he had to, because he just couldn’t handle his version of what being committed means. It has nothing to do with you and he actually misses you like crazy. He is sorry for what he did, and how his actions hurt you.” Continue reading